Chapter 2/plane crashed/getting on the circus train/Circus gone bad

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Warning: cussing words

(Stefano's italian(mistaken name for Felix is Feli)
As they all flying to New York City, the rest of animal except Felix who put on his headphone on his ears, listening to Favright-Levitate cause he doesn't like them when they sing in victory, and it really annoys him. So he sit down and listening to his music, and relaxing as the four animals singing

"New York, New York lt's a heck of a town"

"The Bronx is up"

"But the Battery's down"

"Ah bleep bleep blap bloappa beebidi doah"

"New York, New York It's a heck of a town New York, New York It's a heck of a town The Bronx is up, but the Battery's down The people ride in a hole in the groun' New York, New York." As they singing in the background, Skipper looked annoyed as they sing and so does Felix but put on his headphones with his music.

"Kowalski, status report." Skipper commanded.

"So the good news is this song is almost over." Kowalski reported

"Well, that's music to my ears. And the bad news?" Skipper smile and then asked.

"The gear assembly is badly damaged, sir." Kowalski added to report as the gear broke off and Kowalski cover himself the paper holder from getting hit, as the gear bounced, hit Private's ass, then hit the spinning thing, and finally hit on Alex's head to knocked him out as Alex fell next to Felix's back

"What the- Alex?! What's happening?" Felix asked as he took off his headphone.

"It's only a matter of time before..." Kowalski said as he was about to say crash when the plane fell and everyone screamed in terror.

"Wwwwaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!" They all screamed except for Alex who's still knocked out. The plane crashed in short time.

"Why can't we ever just make a normal landing?" Melman asked as he was hanged up on the tail of the wrecked plane. Felix groaned in pain after the plane crashed.

"Oh, man!" Alex groaned in pain

"Hold on, Melman. OK? I'll get you down, sweetie." Gloria said as he help her giraffe boyfriend to get down. Mort was on his pipe.

"Where is he? Must find King Julien. King Julien!" Mort moaned in pain as he gained conscious and fell over, while King Julien was singing drowsy and walking to the power wire as the blue spark electric missed him as to zap him.

"It's getting hot in here So take off all your fur, I am getting so hot I want to take my fur off." King Julien sang as he was drunk and Felix looked up at King Julien and facepalmed.

"Idiot." Felix commented on King Julien

"Skipper, what about the plane?" Alex asked.

"Well, the chimps will work through the night. No breaks, no safety restrictions...! Hey, where are you going? Get back here! We have a contract!" Skipper said as the bunch of chimps ran off.

"Yes. Well, I'm afraid labor laws are slightly more lenient in France. You see, they only have to work two weeks a year." Mason explained.

"Well, someone else has the Canadian work ethic!"

"But you penguins, you can still fix it, right? Right?" Melman asked in slightly panicked.

"Yeah, yeah. You're a little crackerjack, can-do team." Alex said

"You want me to give it to you straight?" Skipper asked as he narrowed his eyes.

"Yes! Yes! No. Bend it a little?" Alex answered but wasn't sure.

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