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Meek POV 

I just woke up and shawty was still next to me she should be gon' this ain't a hotel I got up and went to freshen up I came back and got dressed

"Hey player" I heard her say

"Wassup shawty? Why you still sleeping?" I asked

"I just thought maybe you wanted another round before I leave" she said

"I can't do that, I have a meeting to get to so you better get up" I said

"Oh I see, lemme go freshen up imma be quick" she said

I nodded

I went outside and smoked a blunt then went back inside

A nigga hungry ass hell

I looked in the fridge it has been empty since Gail moved out I only had milk, ketchup, eggs and a tomato

I made myself an egg and grilled tomato it ain't much but it's better than starving to death

I ate breakfast while scrolling through Twitter

After I was done eating I put my plate in the sink

There was an aggressive knock on the door

I frowned and went to open the door

It was Gail, Chloe and Junior

"Daddy" Chloe said hugging my legs

"Hey babygirl" I picked her up and kissed her then put her down

I also did the same thing with Junior

"Come on in y'all, wassup?" I asked

"My tooth fell out" Chloe said showing me

"Really? How much did the tooth fairy give you?" I asked

"A dollar" she said

"That's not bad, what you gon' do with it?" I asked

"I'm gonna buy a new toy" she said

I nodded

I turned my attention back to Gail

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"I need you to take care of the kids, I got things to do"

"I got things to do too Gail" I said

"Well they your kids so figure it out" she said yelling

I dragged her outside and closed the door behind me

"Junior is my biological child not Chloe, why don't you take her to her biological father like you did with Travis?" I asked

"Really Meek?"

"Ey you can't just pop up at my house without telling me and leave the kids here, I have an important meeting to get to. How the hell am I going to pay your lawyer and Junior's maintenance money if I miss out on my important meeting that bring money?" I asked

"You're a grown ass man you'll figure it out, I will pick up the kids tomorrow morning" she said then went to her car

"Yo Gail! Don't do that to me, come back here" I said

She blew a kiss and got in her car then drove off

I went back inside and shawty was with my kids

"Daddy whose this?" Chloe asked

"That's my friend" I said

"Mommy has friends who don't wear t-shirts" she said

"And smell bad" Junior said

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