the uncomfortably hot girl failed to quietly pass her mother and the unknown man who was laying snuggly on their old beat up sofa, a familiar white powder covering the tip of his nose. she wanted to get to her room and get her hands on her rainy day money so she could buy more pills but she accidentally stepped on a creaky board, waking up her drunk mom.

"where the fuck were you!" she screamed at her one and only daughter, waking up the man laying beside her in the process.

she had obviously forgotten about the altercation from the week prior after a full seven days of drinking to oblivion. i guess you could say the mother-daughter duo were similar in that aspect. their incapability of spending a full day sober and their habit of sleeping around, they were too alike for their own good. the difference was that delaney had acquired those qualities from her mother meanwhile jill johnson had obtained them on her own after running away with her high school junkie boyfriend from her strict suburban family, refusing to ever get back in contact with them. at nineteen, jill became pregnant with delaney resulting in liang chen to abandon them two years later. life on the streets turned jill into a junkie making young delaney raise herself but obtaining her mother's flaws in the process.

ignoring jill's question, delaney found her way to her small bedroom, pushing her bed and lifting up the loose wooden floor board revealing her leftover money that she had to hide from her mother. grabbing enough money to buy some xanax from the boy next door, she pushed her bed back and bolted to the kitchen where her mother had stood up from the couch and was blocking the only way out, the unknown man had already been out the door moments prior.

her mom's hand connected with delaney's pale face. a loud smack echoing in their miniature home. delaney held her right cheek and bit her tongue, attempting to not cuss out in pain. "aren't you gonna answer me before you give yourself out to the men who don't know how slutty you are?" she questioned in a menacing tone. choosing to ignore her mother's terrible remark, she simply and calmly responded; "can you move? i'm going over to a friends house." not wanting any more drama after bickering with fuckshit under the burning ultraviolet rays.

"it's that aiyden boy isn't? when will you learn that men will never like you. they'll use you and throw you in the dirt when done with you. but be my guest go! don't come crying to me when she tosses your skank ass to the ground!" her mother loudly ranted, hating the male species after what liang had done to her.

hurrying out the door, trying to not think about her mom's cruel words, she made her way to aiyden's— not bothering to knock. she unlocked the door with the extra key aiyden had given to her a few years ago. "mi casa es su casa." he told her.

opening the wooden door, aiyden looked up from the couch seeing the young girl with a red hand mark on her face. it definitely wasn't the first time that the girl had arrived at his home with bruises but she made it crystal clear that she didn't want to talk about it.

"do you have xanax?" she asked him desperately. nodding his head, the older boy got up and walked to his room where he stashed the drugs he sold and used on the low. he gave her a small bottle.

she opened it and counted twenty-one pills before handing him the money she had brought along with her. he counted the cash in his hand noticing that a few bills were missing.

"nigga you're shorting me twelve dollars." he told her, putting his hand forward to receive the rest of the owed money.

"i'm pretty sure i have enough." she responded, lying through her gritted teeth before popping two pills into her mouth.

✓ 𝗯.𝗶.𝘁.𝗰.𝗵 , mid90sWhere stories live. Discover now