< Rejection >

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"im...im sorry...i dont like either of you..." spoke MC with a sympathetic look on his face

"a-are you serious!? really.." natsuki sadly spoke

yuri stayed silent in disbelief. both had fought over MC for months. but, as soon as they confessed, he turned them away like they were out of date food. he had broken two hearts at the same time.

"so...i guess this is it..all of this hard work to prove myself to you..." yuri said, softly.

"i-i...hmph!" natsuki turned her back, being as salty as always. but, deep down, she was crying uncontrollably.

"c'mon, natsuki, lets go." yuri spoke, triumphantly.

"h-hUH!" natsuki said, in a rush, as yuri grabbed her arm and stormed out the club room.

"girls?" monika asked confused

"we are going to be gone for a bit, monika" said yuri.

yuri shoved the door open and stomped down the stairs not knowing where she will be going. natsuki pulled and tugged but yuri was physically stronger.

the school doors flung open as the two tumbled out. the trees swayed as the wind was quite strong. every corner they turned the more stronger the wind became and looser her grip on Natsuki was.

'CAT CAFE' read the store sign. Yuri knew natsuki liked cats and something fluffy may calm them both down.

"Why are we here!" shouted natsuki

"well, i read that animals, specifically dogs and cats, help you calm down. so, i decided to take us here." yuri spoke

"since when did you start thinking about how i feel aswell!?"

"i always do," proclaimed yuri "who doesnt think about their 'friends'"

"friends?! since when were we friends! huh?" asked natsuki

"since...4 pm"

"but thats now-"

"exactly. now lets take a seat" said yuri

yuri pulled out both a chair for her and natsuki. yuri chose that the best way to get over a guy is to make new friends.

"okay, so..what kind of stuff do you like?"

"uh...i like reading manga and writing poems, duh!" said natsuki

"oh, yeah..well i like-"

"yeah yeah we know.. i lIkE rEaDiNg nOvElS aNd pOeMs- heard it all before." natsuki spoke over yuri.

"natsuki, we came to get along. not to fight."

"who said that!" spoke natsuki

"me. now, please can we get along for atleast 1 hour?" asked yuri

"...only for cups of teas for a whole week!"

"fine. then we have to get along for a whole day!" spoke yuri

"seriously! okay...fine!"

"okay! so, wanna order something?" yuri asked

"a-" natsuki stopped, knowing if she didnt then she wouldmt get free tea for a week.

"...okay! i would like..a chocolate muffin...."

"ahem.." coughed yuri

"please..." natsuki said, unwantingly

"we are getting somewhere!" yuri said, patting natsukis head

"huh.." natsuki questioned

"did she...just pat my head...that dummy" natsuki spoke, smirking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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opposites attract ~ yuri x natsuki Where stories live. Discover now