“Hah, funny” Dean said with a fake smile. I finish tying myself and sit down “don't drop me” I tell them and head down. After about an hour later we are all in the car. Sam is examining a dead beetle in his hand that I had found in the hole. “So you found some beetles. In a hole, in the ground. That's shocking, Shelby” Dean said “there were no tunnels, no tracks. No evidence of any other kind of creature down there” I said “you know, some beetles do eat meat. Now, it's usually dead meat, but” Sam said.

“How many did you find down there” Dean asks “ten” I said “it'd take a whole lot more than that to eat out some dude's brain” Dean said. “Well, maybe there were more” Sam said “I don't know, it sounds like a stretch to me” I say. “Well, we need more information on the area, the neighborhood. Whether something like this has ever happened before” Sam said. As we drive through town, they pass a sign for an open house, decorated with red balloons.

“What” I asked “I know a good place to start” Dean said and I see a sign that says BBQ, “I'm kinda hungry for a little barbeque, how 'bout you” Dean asks “starving” I say in the backseat. Sam looks at Dean “what, we can't talk to the locals” Dean asks? “And the free food's got nothin' to do with it” Sam says to Dean. “And didn't you just eat three hot dogs” Sam asks, looking at me. “Yeah, like two hours ago” I say and Dean looks at me threw the rear view mirror with a smile and I smile back.

We pull over and get out of the car before walking down the street to the open house. “Growin' up in a place like this would freak me out” Dean said “it does” I say “why” Sam asks? “Well, manicured lawns, "How was your day, honey?" I'd blow my brains out” Dean said. “There's nothing wrong with "normal"” Sam said “I'd take our family over normal any day” I said. We approach the house and knock on the door. The homeowner answers. “Welcome” “this the barbeque” Dean asks and Sam and I role our eyes.

“Yeah, not the best weather, but I'm Larry Pike, the developer here. And you are” Larry asked? “Dean, this is Sam and my sister Shelby” Dean said and shook his hand. “Sam, Dean, Shelby good to meet you. So, you three are interested in Oasis Plains” “yes, sir” I said. “Well, come on in” he says and takes us outside to the backyard. There are lots of people walking around, chatting and eating. “You said you were the developer” Sam asks? “Eighteen months ago, I was walking this valley with my survey team. There was nothing here but scrub brush and squirrels. And you know what, we built such a nice place to live that I actually bought into it myself. This is our house. We're the first family in Oasis Plains” Larry said.

We walk over to a lady “this is my wife, Joanie” “hi there” she says and shakes our hands. “This is Sam, Dean, and their younger sister Shelby” Larry said. “Nice to meet you” “tell them how much you love the place, honey. And lie if you have to because I need to sell some houses” Larry said. We all laugh “will you excuse me” he says and leaves. “Don't let his salesman routine scare you. This really is a great place to live” Joanie says.

Suddenly a girl comes up to us, her black hair is pulled back in a tight bun. “Hi, I'm Lynda Bloome, head of sales”. “And Lynda was second to move in. She's a very noisy neighbor, though” Joanie said and leaves. Lynda laughs “she's kidding, of course. I take it you two are interested in becoming homeowners” Lynda says. “Well, I'm gonna go talk to Larry” I said. “I'll come too” Dean said, leaving Sam.

After a short tour on the inside Dean, Larry, and I come downstairs, finishing the tour. “You've got three choices, carpet, hardwood, and tile” Larry says. I notice a jar full of bugs on a nearby table. “Whoa, someone likes bugs” I say, making Dean and Larry look over to the jar. “My son, he's into insects. He's very, inquisitive” Larry says and we head outside.

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