The Wedding (Before)

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Emma before

Emma sat on her bed and twisted the ring around her finger. She realized that is exactly what her mother Snow did when she was nervous. Emma stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. Her wedding dress looked like white waves going down from her waist and an ocean blue ribbon was tied around her stomach. Her hair was done up in ringlets and Snow insisted that she wore her old crown.

A soft knocking at the door interrupted her thoughts. Snow poked her head through. "Emma? Are you ok?" Emma nodded and did her half-smile. Snow came fully inside and motioned that they sit down on the bed. "Emma, I'm very proud of you. I hope you know that." She stopped and hesitated before she continued."I just want to say to you directly that I hope that you and Killian are happy together, and that this is a beautiful wedding."

Killian Before

"Well, mate, are you done listing all things I'm not supposed to do?" It was a sarcastic question aimed at David/ Prince Charming. David had been listing everything that he would do to Killian if he hurt his daughter. Killian had been watching the clock and not listening. Killian walked over to the mirror and checked his outfit. He had his leather boots and his leather pants from the ship, with a white shirt blue bow tie and an over jacket. "What is the point of this infernal tie around my neck?"

"It's meant for nice occasions." David replied. Killian walked to the window after straightening the bow tie. He sighed as he saw the pier that had been decorated for the amazing day. He watched the water lap against the post and the small row boat intended to take Killian and Emma to the after party separately. "Alright, now remember everything I told you." David picked up his jacket and walked out the door. Henry slipped in under his Grandfather's outstretched arm. Killian grinned when he saw the teenager.

Henry gave Killian a fist bump and said hey. He sat on the bed."Are you ready for this?"

Killian grinned. "Shouldn't you start lecturing me?" Henry smiled right back.

"I bet David already gave it to you and if you break my mom's heart, you should be scared of her. I mean, you've seen her." Killian had to agree to Henry's logic and sat down next to him. The alarm set for both of them to go downstairs started ringing. Killian lept to turn it off.

"Oh, that infernal device. I hate it."

"Mom loves it."

"I change my statement, I tolerate it." They both started laughing and went to the wedding.

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