Real Stories of Sasquatch abducting Children-Part 4

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FIRST STORY:A mother and her young son went camping near the forest.
They kept the car in the parking area and they started searching for an area to build there tent.
Everything was going peacefully but the storm is yet to be coming.
So they finally found a good area in the forest but near the parking area.
Because they left things in the car.
After preparing everything,it was already dark
The mother and his son started making dinner and started eating,they were laughing,they liked camping,they loved the nature.

Furthermore after dinner,they started hearing things in the woods, tree breaks,like people were walking in groups and seems like big people because they were making a huge noise.They heard rocks throwing at them occasionally.
But they didn't care as it was night and they thought it was the animals in the forests maybe a deer.
The son told his mother that he forgot his favorite toy and his snacks in the car and if he could get the car key to go take them.The little boy was 7 years old.The mother gave him the car key and watch him go to the parking lot to the car.
Suddenly the mother heard a noise in the right side of the forest,so she turned to the side to see what it was.
In just a matter of seconds,when she looked back at the parking lot,she saw something extremely fast,type of a man,at least 7ft tall and covered in hair with wide shoulders and big calves coming from the right side of the forest took his son and sprinted to the left side of the forest with the kid.
The mother couldn't have helped him and the son never reached the car but he was close.

The police never believed her and they said it was a mountain lion but the mum know what he saw on that night.However the kid has never been found since now.
In my point of view i do think it was a Dzunukwa(sasquatch) definitely.

On a lovely day,cousins were playing together in the family garden situated near the forest in Washington Dc.
Little girls and boys playing together while adults were busy preparing foods inside the house for lunch.

It was a fabulous day,birds were chirping, smile on everyone's faces,good foods and drinks.
It was just a perfect day for fun until suddenly things went strange because all the birds stopped chirping and all went silent,like dead silent.

There were four kids and only 3 came back at this time.A boy was missing.
When the parents asked the others where is Peter?They said he is still outside but the parents searched for him everywhere near the house and in the forest but they couldn't found him.
So they called 911,they did research all day long and asked the neighbours if they saw something but all neighbours didn't noticed anything until one woman said he saw a man who looked like a bear carrying a child on his shoulder but she was afraid to say something.
This is when the parents finally knew that it was maybe the sasquatch who said to be living in the Washington forest for thousands of years.
However Peter has never been found since today!

THIRD STORY:This one is the strangest sasquatch abduction ever.
On a hiking day;parents and there little boy aged 5 were walking on a trail in California in the forest
They have been walking for 1hr at least with few stops because of the kid.
They were regular hikers on this area but regularly the father said he has been hearing things like following them or someone looking at them.
But they didn't care because they were on the trail and not in the forest.

However on that day things went out of the ordinary.!
As they were walking,they could regularly hear someone moving but as soon as they stopped the thing stopped too.
So they decided to walk faster living the child a little bit behind them,this was the only error the parents did.
Again in just a matter of seconds they could hear a large bipedal being coming from left to right,took the child away,all they heard was "mum"said by the boy.

The dad run fast towards this beast but in just a few steps the creature was already on the hill with the kid and the dad knew at this time that it was a sasquatch holding his kid.
It looked like a male one,really tall and massive and looked bad.
The father beg the creature to give back his son but the creature didn't, it just turned away and continue running up the hill until the father lost it
They immediately tried to call the cops but they didn't had any connection
So the parents ran so fast to the nearest town when they finally got a good connection and called the cops.

Moreover they came,did research for days,they even climbed the hill where the sasquatch bring the kid but they never got to find the boy,he was just missing out of thin air,but after a year,the body of the boy was found torn apart.
The sasquatch killed him.!!
The parents will never forget this horrific day and now they know that these forests beings exists.

School kids went on excursion to visit banff national park in Canada.
There were 10 girls and 9 boys,together with the teachers and guide
Furthermore it was a bit windy and cold on that day where everyone wore there jacket.
As they were walking it started getting more cold.
They were walking one behind each others.
It was really an excursion type of thing
But at the end of the excursion ,a girl was missing
There were only 9 girls instead of 10.
So the teachers called the police and the rescuers
They all did search for the girl for a month, the whole school joined for it but we never get to find her again
Some say she went with a boy,others said it was a sasquatch who kidnapped her.
I do also think it was a sasquatch because since today we never found her,she never returned at her house.

To my conclusion guys, these beings do exists and everyone can meet them in the woods or see there habitat.
They watch you moving,they look at all your manoeuvres and behaviours and they use it to there advantages.
These beings are super smart.

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