The Creep of Carrock

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As the sun slowly began to rise, it illuminated the destruction. Nothing remained. The Creep had destroyed every building and person together. Reinhart fell to his knees and wept.

The sun continued to rise and he heard a faint gurgling noise growing stronger. Looking up he could see the Creep beginning to boil and steam. It began to scream and recede from the rubble of Carrock. Reinhart searched and spotted a lone figure, hands raised on a low hill to his right. He was hooded and cloaked, his hands glowed. As Reinhart watched, a great stream of light launched from the stranger's hands and connected to the Creep. Portions of the brackish slime evaporated and burned. The Creep released a horrible shriek and receded faster as the rider's light grew stronger and destroyed more of the undulating mass. Reinhart had never witnessed magic before and he was awestruck. This must be an Elder Being here to save us, he thought. My prayers have been answered. He began to make his way over at a run.

Moving swiftly he made his way unsteadily down from the tall hill on which the manhole had opened. Working on his hands and knees he lowered himself from rock to rock wishing that he had continued down the tunnel to its end on the other side of the hill. After finally reaching the grass, he found himself behind the mage and started to quietly make his approach, best not to barrel forward for they might not be altogether friendly.

"Why do you hide?" came a voice that rattled Reinhart's bones with its resonance. The voice sounded polyphonic. As if it was not just one voice, but a chorus speaking in unison with deep resonant lows and rich highs. It was unlike anything Reinhart had ever heard. He stared at the back of the cloaked mage, not ten paces from him, atop his horse still facing the Creep. The mage's hands lowered and he slowly turned his mount to face the bewildered Reinhart. This was the first time he had a glimpse at what was underneath the hood. The mage's rune lined cloak was rich and flowing, not an imperfection or piece of dust marked its fabric. Underneath, he was wearing what looked like some kind of inner robe that was a dark grey and pale blue going all the way down to a pair of shining brown riding boots. Under his hood was a pair of eyes that seemed to look right through Reinhart. They were purple, but it seems as if the purple of his iris had shattered through into the whites of his eyes, leaving little flecks scattered throughout.

"I asked," repeated the mage. "Why do you hide?". Reinhart swallowed in an attempt to ease the dryness growing in his mouth.

"Who are you?" he demanded, weary of the lone magic wielder. "You've come to fight the Creep but you've come too late! Everyone is gone, my home is...". Reinhart's tongue caught in his throat, the truth too horrible to voice. The mage chuckled softly and grinned.

"Oh no. I was here in time. I simply watched to see what would happen," replied the orchestral voice. Reinhart was shocked.

"You just watched all of us die?" he asked bewildered.

"Yes. Although, evidently not all of you," replied the mage, his smile disappearing. "But don't worry, I can make short work of that," continued the mage raising his right hand and sparking a ball of blue flame to life in his palm. Reinhart took a step back. "What?" continued the cloaked figure. "You didn't think I was here to save a handful of humans did you? Ha! Get a grip, you have bravely held back the Creep for some time, longer than I expected at that, but you have since reached the end of your usefulness". As the mage spoke, Reinhart noticed the slim face, the sharp jaw and narrow chin and thought, elf. Enraged, Reinhart leapt at the mage drawing his dagger. The mage raised a hand and Reinhart was hit by an invisible projectile launching him back to hit the ground with a thud. The mage chanted something that Reinhart could not understand and his dagger disintegrated. Left with dust in his hand and bound to the ground by an invisible force, Reinhart watched as the Mage turned to his immobile person and said a word. Suddenly Reinhart felt the inexplicable urge to sleep. Unable to resist, his eyes slid closed as the mage approached.

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