the begining ...

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It was the dawn of The year 3000. The earth once fully bright and cheerful had succumbed to darkness and life on the planet came to a stall. People running their errands children playing in the grounds animals running around and cars on the road, all of that had vanished and the earth was rid of all such things.

But in this gloomy world one man, had miraculously survived, survived the catastrophic incident that no other soul had lived to tell the tale of. His name was hope.

Silence had spread all over and hope had grown tired of the solitude . he'd make toys out of the garbage in order to fill the empty space inside of him but that was no where near the companionship of flesh and blood

"What I'm I going to in this world' its like I'm tumbling inside the barrel of abyss with no sight of escape"

He uttered while hastefully standing up and stepping on the self made toy letting out his anger.

Every night before going to sleep he'd write a page in his journal mostly because he had nothing else to kill time. Every single thing on the earth was completely massacred , tho the most striking thing was there was no trace of the remains.after writing hope would gaze at the starless sky thinking if there were other survivors too or not? But it was apparent he was the only one to walk this dreadful earth as his small piece of land was completely surrounded by water for miles and miles hence his hopes weren't that high

One night a striking light emblazed the little piece of land hope barely lived on and after a black out everything had gone back to normal "what in the world" said hope suspiciously "why won't I die already? Why do I keep waking up to this madness? Is there no end to this pain and misery ?

After a short while hope rubbed his eyes denoting he'd seen something that was hard to believe a green plant bearing strawberries he flinged forward and greedily emptied the whole plant. Hope hadn't eaten anything for days and now he walked with a full stomach.hope had risen inside his heart that live may still exist on the planet

But soon things started to happen, awful things some days the sun would stay up for longer than usuall and it would snow heavily followed by dense fog and super fast rain hope had lost it completely his mental state had completely declined and he fell to the ground with his journal still in his pocket the last human on the earth had bid farewell and hope layed hopeless on the ground .... Human race was extinct

So you think the story is over? Well think again...

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