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Mahavet despretly set out to find qafu in the middle of the night  tho her scrawny little legs made her job more difficult

She had to periodically stop at every market in the town to regain her quickly depleating stamina and after much efforts she finally stopped looking ,her eyes floated in tears as her thoughts dragged her to the past , the past she had spent with her qafu in the underworld.

Her fragmented thoughts soon formed a ticket to the land down the memory lane

Mahavet and qafu went to the same school together and she had been observing qafu from a distance for quite a while now. She would wait outside his dark arts class and shower him with her annoyance once he'd come out yet qafu would welcome her with a pleasent smile.almost as if he'd fancy her back.they started spending much of their time together sometimes they'd climb the the underworld tower and look upon other reetos walking about carrying out their abnormal lives sometimes they'd hold hands in hand and just go for a strol round the underworld town..

One day as they sat below a shrugatree with qafu resting his head upon mahavets lap he said something that melted mahavets heart never had she felt such a feeling nor such grieveness probably because she found out the length of qafus love for her and at the same time she was reminded of their separation which seemed like a high possibility

Qafu said to her

"If one day I no longer exist or I disappear just know that my heart will always belong to you and when  you  miss me soon after  just close your eyes put your hand on you're heart and listen to my voice" and with that he gave her a recording device and told her to play it whenever he was no longer there..

Boom!!!! And the whole town experienced the trauma of their lives their bodies disintegrated slowly and painfully they shouted in agony as their improportionet heads dissapeard off first and it made its way to the lower body the whole town turned into white cloudy smoke they lost their basic senses and they roamed about in complete silence for years and years until siddick came up with a devious plan  that involved the eradication of the whole human kind......

Mahavet with a shake of her head teleported back to present day she reached into her pocket and grabbed the recording piece and said to her self

"I guess its time"

Its mechanical tone uttered

"If youre listening to this that means I'm either dead or I have run away to some distant land.ummm *sigh* okay so what I wanted to say is that I know you love me and I love you far more than that but the thing is if you love someone doesn't mean you have to be with them 24/7 physically you form a mental connection. With them  that lasts forever. Even when your miles away you hear each others hearts when ever you miss me just close your eyes and picture me vivvid and if your love is pure I'll be standing at the door waiting with my arms wide open ...

With that mahavet wiped off her tears and did exactly as he said but luck was not her side......

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