Chapter 6: Spelling It Out

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Mao Mao hurried after Momo after picking the magic blaster back up again. Making sure to keep her in his sights, he followed her until he reached what was apparently the school's gymnasium. He made sure to keep reminding himself once he got there to try and apologize to Momo for the misunderstanding back at the classroom. He knew a saddened heart when he heard the downcast tone in Momo's voice. He didn't mean to hurt her feelings, to let his own feelings towards a thing that Momo likely took great pride in get in the way of his own judgment. It's just that his refusal to see magic as a trustworthy tool in the long-term was what he knew and understood; maybe it was something he had been taught by his father or in the Hero's Code. But that was him, and Momo didn't grow up the same way. He didn't know how Momo lived with magic in her life, but it was clear from how she fought the ghosts that it really was part of her. If she could see the good in such an art and do actual good with it, he was in no place to judge her at all.

When he saw Momo, she was already waving her wand furiously at a wave of ghosts that was coming at her much faster than all the other masses of ghosts that had been dealt with on other parts of the school earlier. Even more so, as she was dealing with one wave, another wave was already approaching her from another direction. Mao Mao growled, tightly grasping the blaster and dashing into the middle of the gym where Momo stood.

Badgerclops and Adorabat had made their way through the halls of the school until they got to a towering open area on the second floor near the front of the building marked by its windows. From what Badgerclops could deduce based on seeing the assorted sofas, cushioned chairs, short tables, and tropical houseplants, they were both in some sort of lounge.

"Gee, for a place this nice to have just five students, where'd it all go wrong?" Badgerclops muttered out loud. "It's probably the ghosts." He looked around the see that the area was empty, but he could still hear the sounds and voices of ghosts echoing across its walls. Ordinarily, one might think that if they heard sounds coming from some other place, they should follow the sounds to where they think is the origin, but Badgerclops knew better. He pointed his upgraded arm cannon towards the ceiling and with a small short-burst charge, fired upwards, momentarily drowning out the ghostly wails with the bang of an energy blast.

"Alright, ghosties! Come out, come out, wherever you are!" he announced rather loudly. He waited, and so did Adorabat who was perched on his shoulder. No ghosts showed up. Badgerclops huffed, raising his robot arm to fire another shot, one that he charged up with more energy before firing. When he did shoot, it created a louder bang and echo that he was sure he might have blasted a dent in the ceiling above.

When it seemed like it didn't work either, Badgerclops turned the settings up to max and almost fired again when Adorabat intervened. "Wait!" she interrupted, "Let me try something!" She flew off the badger's shoulder and in the middle of the air, took a deep breath and opened her mouth really wide to let out a piercing shriek. Her shriek was so loud and drawn out that Badgerclops was sure the windows were rattling and starting to crack, at least it's what he could judge while blocking his ears. It felt like a long time, but Adorabat finally stopped. As soon as she did, following the remainder of her scream echoing off the walls, a couple thumps came from behind the neighboring lounge chairs, prompting Badgerclops to point his arm cannon at the source of the sound.

He carefully tiptoed his way to the lounge chairs, making sure to keep his robot arm poised and ready to fire, while Adorabat hovered close to him just as carefully. As soon as they circled around the chairs, they saw two little robed students huddled on the floor behind the chairs. One was an owl while the other had a pumpkin for a head, and they were both curled up in a ball and shaking while clutching their heads with their eyes shut tight, likely from Adorabat's mighty scream. "Hey, you guys go to school here?" he loudly called to the two in case they weren't listening. The pumpkin-headed student slowly lifted his head to stare up at Badgerclops, who lowered his arm cannon to ease the other's nerves, and gave a slow nod. The owl student also followed suit shortly after, only to look over Badgerclops's shoulder and give off a frightened hoot.

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