Chapter 5: Cats Outclassed

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In another hallway of the academy, Badgerclops and Adorabat were with Camille and Honey as they traversed the building to look for more students who might be in danger. Badgerclops hoped to not run into any more ghosts since he couldn't do anything to them anyways while Adorabat was eager to see another ghost because of how fascinating they were to her.

"So, you're telling me this school has only five students?" Badgerclops asked Camille.

"Four plus our darling dear Momo, to be precise," Camille clarified. The chipper attitude didn't once leave her visage.

"That's literally the same thing," sighed Badgerclops. "Well, since we know that, why are we even doing this?"

"Because Mao Mao said we should," Adorabat chipped in as she flew up next to him.

"Well, Mao Mao's got a big blaster gun that shoots magic beams to take down ghosts," Badgerclops began rambling, "so I don't see how we're gonna do anything better."

"Well you know," Camille leaned over to Badgerclops in a pseudo-whisper, "The workshops still have spare parts left over. All the stuff me and Honey make back at the palace is thanks to us being good tinkerers." She then moved her eyes over to Badgerclops's mechanical arm, which Badgerclops noticed and followed. "Can't see why we can't do a little more..."

Badgerclops instantly drew his arm away from Camille's prying eyes. "Nuh-uh! No touchie!" He cradled the robotic limb with his other flesh-and-bone one like it had been hurt. It was understandable that he would treat it like his baby, since he did build it himself. He seemed rather perturbed that Camille would be so forward as to try and change up his robot arm's design...but then again, it'd be nice to have the perks of taking down a different kind of monster... "Hey Camille, how do you and Honey build your gadgets?"

Momo and Mao Mao had just started blasting at the first ghosts they saw once they made it to one of the school's assorted classrooms. The particular classroom they were in functioned as a sort of potions lab, consisting of compartmented tables with racks of glass tubes and vials on them, some partly filled with colorful liquids, along with the occasional mini-cauldron. Momo handled the ghosts with her usual grace, waving her wand in diversified strokes that vaporized the ghosts with little spectacle. Mao Mao, on the other hand, blasted away at the ghosts with the magical cannon with forced aggression. He shot at each ghost with a full blast, only to roughly heave the blaster in another direction and fire again. Mao Mao practically had to grit his teeth in order to avoid tiring himself out from holding something so weighty.

Momo thought she'd help by casting a lightning spell at several ghosts headed in Mao Mao's direction. By that time, Mao Mao had just finished firing an earlier shot and had no choice but to wait for the weapon to cool down before he could fire again. "Hey! I had that!" Mao Mao protested despite his vulnerable position.

"Sorry," Momo apologized. "The ghosts were coming so fast and I was just casting so many spells..."

Mao Mao arched an eyebrow. "Not what I said, but sure, be more careful with your thingy-thing too."

"What do you mean?" Momo frowned. "I just got some ghosts off your back while you were recharging!"

"I was just finished recharging and about to fire gain," Mao Mao responded. "I know my way around a big gun, you know."

"Well excuse me," Momo puffed her cheeks, putting her hands on her hips after having blasted another ghost, "I'm just helping someone like any person would, plus I'm already doing what I know best." The talk was momentarily interrupted by a couple more oncoming ghosts which the two cats turned and shot at before resuming their little argument.

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