Ichika Kindo!

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Here's my first impression on Ichika!


I was really excited about joining the Victories from the start, which meant I was excited to meet everyone on the team too. When I first met you, I thought you were slightly quiet (a lot quieter than Arman that's for sure), but in time we became good friends! One thing I really liked about you was your ability to accept me on the team so quickly. I was extremely happy that I was welcomed with open arms.

Over time, I began to like the fact that you supported and loved your brother no matter what! You were both on different teams, but you still managed to cheer him on whenever you could.

On top of that, I liked how you were honest from the start as well! I thought you to be a very reliable and trustworthy friend from the second I met you.

You've played a big role in my journey to make Dragon even stronger! So thank you!


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