11) The Homecoming Dance Part 1

Start from the beginning

I laugh at the memory of Nicole coming in and seeing them for the first time. She absolutely flipped shit on Danny, who just laughed in her face. Belle actually had a good chance of getting homecoming queen. A lot of people have come up to her and said they were voting for her.

The school day goes by pretty smoothly and soon I am in Belle's car heading to her house to get ready for the dance since my dress was there. We get to her house and immedeatly go to work.

I had bought my dress earlier this week. It was a really light blue dress with sequins on the top. I had immedeatly fallen in love with it. I had studded heels to go with it and I let Belle do my hair since she was pretty much an expert.

She curled it and put it into an intricate low side ponytail. She wore a midnight blue dress with sequins at the waist that looked amazing on her. She straightened her hair and put into a loopy half up half down and with her black platform heels she looked incredible.

We spent the next hour on our makeup and were finally ready. I had to admit, we looked good. We heard Zack's voice from downstairs telling us that Luke and Sam were here.

We slowly walk downstairs and the first person I see is Zack. He stares widely at me, mouth agape and I smile widely at his expression.

"Wow, Claire. You look- you're-"

"Stunning" another voice says from behind Zack and I look over his shoulder and see Luke staring freely, not caring if he looked pathetic. He slowly walked towards me with a smile starting to grow on his face. "Aren't I a lucky son of a bitch".

I laugh at his somewhat compliment and walk over to him as he still stares me down. "You don't look too bad yourself" I compliment. His tux is flawless and he has a black tie on which for some reason to me makes him look like a seductive boss of a big buisness.

"Where's Nicole?" I ask Zack and he shakes his head to clear it "oh, she's already there making sure everything looks great, probably yelling at some poor freshman". I laugh at his joke and we all pile into Belle's car.

We soon get to the dance and finally find a parking spot. The place is already crowded. We show our tickets and get inside. The gym had been extrememly decorated and now looked like the sky since the theme was dancing in the stars. Star balloons and streamers were everywhere.

Luke grabs my hand as we walk in and I give him a smile. Immediately Nicole walks up to us and goes over to Zack.

She has on a pink colored short dress with long material on the sides. She looks like she does usually, perfect.

There's my beautiful date" Zack compliment her but she ignores the compliment all together. "The voting has already started, go vote for me!" she says bossily and Zack recovers quickly and goes over to the already crowded voting booth.

"Well, I better get over there and vote for Belle then" Danny speaks up from behind Nicole, walking over to us with a goofy grin on his face. Nicole turns over to him and snarls "not a surprise you don't have a date like usual" but Danny quickly replies "not a surprise you're a bitch like usual" earning a laugh from all of us.

Nicole growls and stomps away from us. Danny smiles and turns towards us but his grin falters when he sees Sam walking towards Belle. I can almost swear I see him grit his teeth but he quickly recovers.

Mike comes over, followed by Brandon with mischievous looks on their faces. "Luke we need you for a second" not asking why, Luke follows them, only looking over his shoulder at me once.

"Well since I'm dateless and your date ditched you, Claire would you like the honor of dancing with me" Danny asks and I laugh and do a mocking bow "I would love to sir Daniel".

Danny takes my hand and lifts his head high like royalty and slowly walks us to the dancefloor. For the next several songs me and Danny dance together and whenever a slow song comes on Danny would pretend we were in one of those romantic movies and try to do hard dance moves, one including a low dip in which he dropped me.

It is a ton of fun dancing with him but soon I become thirsty. We decide to get punch and sit ourselves down at an abandoned table. Luke still hasn't come back but I don't mind.

"So Danny, I have a question" I say and he takes a sip and looks over at me "continue" he replies and I finally say the words "why didn't you ask a girl to the dance?" compared to a lot of boys Danny wasn't ugly, actually he was pretty attractive with his short but messy dark chocolate brown hair and sea green eyes, I knew a few girls who had crushes on him.

Danny stares off at the dancefloor and stays silent for a while before finally saying "I didn't feel like it". "Really?" I ask not buying it. He looks up at me and stares back out at the dancefloor and finally says "lets just say the girl I wanted to take is already taken".

I follow his eyes and see him staring at Belle and Sam dancing and immediately understand what he was saying "oh Danny I'm so-" "Drop it Claire" he snaps and quickly gets up and I watch him walk away. Suddenly I hear someone clear their throat behind me.

I turn around to see Zack staring at me. "Hey" I manage to say with a smile and he smiles back. "I can't seem to find Nicole. Would you like to dance" he asks and sticks out his hand. I nod and take his hand.

For the next two songs we talk about school and football and crack jokes. "Okay, promise you won't be mad at me when I ask you this" Zack says and I nod and say "shoot".

"What do you see in Luke" he asks me catching me completely off guard. "I mean I know he is attractive and popular but that doesn't seem like reasons you would date someone, so why?" he continues and I am speechless.

"I-I don't know. I mean once you get to know him he's actually really" I search for the word to fit this sentence and finally say "human". Zack smiles at me

"Well I don't think-"

"Hey Zack, mind if I can finally get to dance with my date" a voice says from behind Zack and I see Luke standing there with a deadly look on his face.

Zack reluctantly lets go of me. "See you later" he mutters to me and walks away.

Luke immedeatly places his hand on my hip and places his other hand in mine. "Where were you?" I ask him but he ignores my question "you look great tonight" he replies and I roll my eyes "just promise me you didn't do something illegal" Luke chuckles "I can promise that".

"What were you and Zack talking about" he asks and I ignore his question like he ignored mine and say "you look nice tonight". "Claire" he says sternly and I look into his eyes and quietly say "he asked me what I see in you".

Luke grits his teeth and glares in the direction that Zack just disappeared into. "That son of a-"

"Isn't that a good sign?" I interrupt "I mean, he seemed jealous. That's a sign that he may be interested in me". "I guess you're right" Luke sighs. "So what did you say?" he asks curiously. I smile and say "I said you were human".

"Awww really? you mean it?" Luke asks with fake flatery and a smile and nod my head. At that moment Principal Brown's voice blasts through the speaker. "can I have your attention" he asks and everyone reluctantly quiets down.

"Now is the time to crown our king and queen" at that everyone cheers loudly.

"First off the king". He opens a piece of paper and says "and our king is...... Luke Evans!".

At that the auditorium bursts into applause as Luke smirks at me and heads towards the stage high fiving people along the way. That one was no surprise. Sure Zack was competition on the field for Luke but no one can deny the fact that Luke was clearly the most popular boy in school.

He puts on his crown and fist pumps the air twice as the football team roars in approval. I smile slightly and shake my head.

"And now the one you all really care about, Homecoming Queen" at this everyone cheers even louder than before. Principal Brown slowly opens the paper as Nicole stands near the stage with her hands clasped together and Belle stands near her, with arms crossed calmly.

"And this years homecoming queen is....."

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