chance • max verstappen

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i wrote this one shot, it's short but i really want to start posting on this account — i swear i'm finally working on f1 fics!

»»————- ★ ————-««

"I can't believe you get to work here." No doubt, Alyce's eyes were the size of saucers, which was probably why her cousin chuckled in her direction.

"Pretty cool, huh?" He nudged her. "Our garage is this way."

Alyce couldn't help but shoot a glance at the garage that she really wanted to visit. It was at this moment she heard her cousin start to say. "Alyce, watch —"

But it was too late and Alyce was colliding with another body.

"I am so sorry." She stumbled back when she realized she had run into Max Verstappen.

Max Verstappen.

Her favorite driver.

Could somebody die from embarrassment? Because as her cousin laughed in the background, she was beginning to feel like it was a distinct possibility.

"No worries." He reassured her with a grin, the dimple in his cheek popping out. "Nice hat."

Alyce reached up and touched the brim of hat emblazoned with a 33. "Thanks." She finally murmured.

"But you have this on?" He leaned forward, tugging at her McLaren lanyard.

Alyce gulped at his close proximity, at the spice of his cologne. "My cousin works with Lando and he got me this pass so I guess I have to wear it."

"Next time, I'll make sure you have the right lanyard." Max grinned, backing away.

But before Alyce could even ask what he meant by next time, Max's name was called and he was scurrying back to his garage.

"Wow, look at Alyce, getting noticed by Max." Her cousin rejoined her side. "Lucky you."

"He was just being nice." Alyce was sure of that. He had always seemed like a good egg and Alyce was relieved to know that he was as he appeared on TV.

"Sure." He chuckled, leading her towards the McLaren garage.

Alyce snuck one very last glance back towards Red Bill's garage and to her surprise, Max was leaning in the doorway, his eyes following her.

»»————- ★ ————-««

"I never did catch your name." Max's voice startled her as she stepped out of the garage after practice.

Alyce's heart thumped, partially because she had been startled but also because Max was here, wanting to know her name.

"Alyce." She finally answered after a moment.

The dimpled smile appeared again. "Well Alyce." He pulled something out of his pocket. "I managed to score you a new lanyard."

Heat pricked her cheeks as she accepted the lanyard from his outstretched hand. She tried to ignore the churning on her stomach by the accidental contact.

There was no way Max felt that too. He was just trying to be nice, she knew that was the only reason.

"Thanks for the lanyard." She pulled the McLaren lanyard off, in clipping her pass and fastening it to the Red Bull lanyard.

Max grinned. "Much better." His blue eyes shined in a way she had never seen them shine on TV, not even after a win.

Her cousin cleared his throat, eager to head back to their hotel.

"I should go." She whispered, not really wanting to. A piece of her hoped he'd give her a reason but realistically she knew she was just a fan, he was just being nice.

"It was nice meeting you." If Alyce hadn't been too busy persuading herself that Max was just being nice, she would've noticed the wistfulness in his voice and the hesitation, like he wanted to ask her for her number.

"Good luck this weekend." Her cousin tugged her arm, spinning her away from Max.

But once again, she snuck a glance back.

This time he smiled and waved, his eyes never leaving her.

»»————- ★ ————-««

"You are popular." A familiar British voice informed Alyce when she entered the garage. ready for qualifying.

"Me?" She crinkled her nose at Lando. "What're you talking about?" She had met Lando a few times, he was good friends with her cousin.

He flashed an impish smile. "Max wants your number."

"Max?" She shook her head. "Lando, no."

Lando's smile widened into a grin. "Oh yes. He cornered me in the garage last night. Something about how he met this pretty girl and how she had mentioned she was here with her cousin who works with me. But in typical Max fashion, he was too shy to ask for your phone number."

"Okay?" Panic pounded Alyce's chest. She knew where this conversation was going but she didn't really know what would happen next.

He was Max Verstappen, Formula One star. And she? She was just Alyce.

"Lando, I—" She tried to think of some excuse. Max would tire of her, she had no doubt. Really, giving him her number was setting herself up for a heartbreak.

"Oh, I already have him your number." Lando shrugged. "He seemed very smitten with you."

"Lando." Alyce sighed. She knew she should be excited but the panic had lodged in her chest, spreading through her body.

"He's a good guy, Alyce." Somebody called for Lando, qualifying was soon. "Give him a chance."

Before Alyce could protest, Lando was gone.

She hoped he was right, hoped that Max was the good guy Lando had promised him to be.

Because she knew she would give him a chance.

»»————- ★ ————-««

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