why I cut off 5 people. (I cried alot)(i mean alot)

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and me and I'll call myself N.

KINDERGARTEN(2nd year in kindergarten. i had kindergarten twice)

The teacher made us introduce ourselves and I meet Juliette and Dyann. They were pretty nice. It was a good school year THAT YEAR. Me and Dyann PASAR together but that will come to an end.

1ST Grade

I hated this year so MUCH. Dyann and Laura became BEST FRIENDS,and I felt replaced. The thing that triggered me the most THEY SAID THEY WERE SISTERS. And in pasar she asked our 1st grade instructor to put Laura in front of me. Mine and Dyann's surnames start with a C. a C. But Dyann's started with CA mine started with CO and Laura's surname started with a M. And this is the year that Juliette introduced me to Jade,Brooke,and Jaima. And the worse thing that has happened was the passing of my Дедушка(Granddad) I couldn't attend the funeral because my mom's side is in Europe(I know what I typed was Russian,my mom is Ukrainian and it was mandatory for her to learn and so she taught me.) I was crying,an emotional mess,and being told to get over it. IT'S NOT HELPING IF YOU SAY GET OVER IT,THE PERSON GOING THROUGH IT IS EXPERIENCING A TRAUMATIC THING IN THEIR LIFE. Anyways second grade.

2ND Grade

My WORST year. And I swear I was 8 turning 9! Enter the scene horse manure Abby. I hate her. That year Juliette and Brooke were friends with her. Jade and I PROMISED(I think memory is kinda fuzzy) to never be friends with her. No matter how much I'd tell those girls,they'd never believe me. And enter in the angels,my male friends. And coincidence they were Asian. But even if they cheer me up,I'd always be down. And enter fake smiles. I think that people thought I was a happy-go-lucky kid. But each time I would walk home, I had Jaima her bro,and my bro,and my bro's friends. And Jaima moved away.

3RD Grade
Jade decided she would be friends with Abby. "Oh,hey N! I'm not friends with Abby anymore!I saw the way she acts!" two days later "oh uhm N,I'm friends with Abby again!" The first two weeks I sat next to Jade. She then sat beside Abby for the rest 4 months. And the next 4 months I asked If I could sit next to Jade and without Abby, she replied. "Sorry Nova,but Abby asked first,and I sat next to you for the last four months. I hope you understand!" "No,you liar!" I cried and cried. And gee I'm crying now. Why would she lie like that?Why? WHY? And then Riell gets in my life because of this meme: Hit or Miss. I'm not lying! And I never cut off someone so fast. Jade, Brooke,Juliette were not the reason. Abby was. and 4th grade we go

4TH Grade

I meet Addie and she's pretty nice. I thought she was different from the others. Abby moved so YAY. But as always I'm wrong. She talked shit behind my back,and Riell's back. (Riell is a SNITCH) And now we enter Addie's thirst for this boy who I'll call Quin. She talked about him all the time. And this year me and Riell thought NO we're not being friends with a rude,manipulative,shit-talking,backstabbing asshole. And my #1 totally would do it again,calling her manipulative through snapchat,which brought her Karen mom. She deemed CYBERBULLYING but this Karen doesn't know what cyberbullying is. It's endlessly harassing someone over and over again. Later when we would have online classes the Karen decided; This Nova girl insulted my angel,time to contact the counselor! And my dad was not happy. And now in my lifetime,I cut off 5 people. And that rude,motherfucking plastic,ass-hole girl told me to get over my deceased Дедушка(Granddad). No! No wonder your dad left your mom, Addie! No wonder your a piece of shit Addie! No wonder your crush doesn't like you! No wonder Audrey hates you!

What I learned

That my ex friends are liars,and can't be trusted. And that I will always be a screw up. I'm a horrible friend,a dimwit,and that one girl who is always full of shit. I'm a liar,the kid who knows other languages,the girl who is older than the pieces of shit I know. 5th grade is gonna be a roller coaster of people breaking me. And then being pushed to smile. I hope you enjoyed reading this. I'm fine. Not.

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