the best part of the date

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Talia told Aaron " of course I trust you and I would go any where with you"  she took him by the hand and  told him to lead the way........Aaron

held her by the hand and lead her down the hall into the pool was located.

Talia was so shocked with he had set up for her......she saw a beautiful blanket laid out with the soft glow of candles that smelled vanilla.....4or 5 dozen of  diffrent colored roses and there were rose patels and some how he also had chocolate covered strawberries which were Talia's favorite ......Talia was so shocked that Aaron took that much effort to make their first date so special for her.

Talia was so happy that she that she wrapped her arms around Aaron ......he asked her if she would like to dance with him.......she said yes so Aaron  turned down the lights down so the twinkle lights that Zak and the guys had setup earlier......Talia laughed as she saw that the little lights looked little fire flies in the night sky

So Aaron took her back from in his arms and she wrapped her arms around him and put her head on his chest......he put a song on that was John Legend " All of Me"

Really the only part of the song that Talia heard was

How many times do I have to tell you

Even when you're crying you're beautiful too

The world is beating you down, I'm around through every mood

You're my downdfall,you're my muse

My worst distraction,my rhythm and blues

I can't stop singing, its ringing ,in my head foryour

My heads under water

But I'm breathing fine

You're crazy and I'm out of my mind

Cause all of me

Loves all  of you

Love your curves and all your edges

All your perfect imperfections

Give your all to me

I'll give my all to you

You're my end and my beginning

After the song was over  Aaron looked down at Talia and saw that she had been crying ..…...he asked what was wrong and she told him "nothing I'm crying  because I have never been happier in my life.....he smiled at her and reached down up his fingers under her chin  upwards and kissed her very softly on the lips and she kissed him back......after a few minutes  he pulled away with  a question for her.   Aaron took out a ring and  necklace for Talia ......Aaron told her that "I have 2 questions for you the first one is the ring is a promise from me to you thatI willl always be there for you and  the necklace has a gac charm on it because with your gift with ghosts I am asking u to join the crew as a member

Talia kissed him again and  said that I would love to be yours and I would love to  become a member of gac


Sorry guys that's all I have to for today but I will write again

And thank you to broken_angel

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