"Minho..your a hoe."

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3rd person POV:

(Jisung's part)

Jisung rushed to get up as he was late to school. Chan was literally gonna hurt his ass. Jisung just threw on a hoodie and sweatpants.

Jisung ran inside the school building where Chan was waiting for him

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Jisung ran inside the school building where Chan was waiting for him. When Jisung went up to Chan he felt his hair get tugged. "Late again huh?" Chan questioned Jisung still holding onto the Squirrels hair. "Yesh I was. Im sorry! My alarm Didn't go off!" Jisung tried to argue with Chan. Chan just sighed and took Jisung to class. When Jisung got to class he sat down.

(Minho's part)

Minho watched as Chan pulled the Squirrel looking boy to his classroom. Which was the same classroom as himself. Minho smirked to himself. "This is gonna be a fun rest of the year" as Minho said that he walked into his classroom and sat right next to the Squirrel boy.

Hyunjin looks as Minho to see where he was going since he usually sits next to him. Hyunjin sees that Minho sits next to Jisung.

Hyunjin sighs then whispers to himself. "Minho..you hoe"

The end of the chapter.

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The Player's Squirrel//Minsung Where stories live. Discover now