🌸Feelings,What's that?🌸

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3rd Person POV:

It was the next day.

Jisung was already on his way to school.

He usually Get's to school 1 hour early.


Don't know.

As usual, Jisung got to school early and just sat on the bench and played on his phone for the next hour.

About 30 minutes later he Looked up from his phone to see students starting to come in.

He looks back at his phone waiting for Jeongin to come.

Jisung sees shoes stop infront of him.

He looks up at the figure thinking it was Jeongin, only to be met with Minho.

Jisung sighs.

"What do you want Minho?"

Minho smiles a little.

"Nothing, just wanted to see how you were"

Jisung nods.

"Oh..well okay. Um..I'm doing okay I guess. Just waiting for Jeongin."

Minho nods.

"Oh. I'm waiting for Felix"

Jisung nods.

"And I see him right there"

Jisung says as he points to the front of the schools gate.

Minho looks to where Jisung is pointing and smiles.

"Okay Thanks Ji!"

Minho ruffles Minho's hair and runs towards Felix.

Jisung's face flushed red.

Not alot to be seen but just enough to know that he,himself was blushing.

Jeongin runs up to Jisung.

"Hey Hyung! I'm here! Sorry, I ran into Felix on the way here and he tied me to the slide so I had to wiggle myself out. Which took like 5 minutes. But! I'm here now!"

If Jisung was being honest, he didn't really hear what Jeongin was saying. All he knew was that it was about Felix, and being tied up.

"Um. Hyung?"

Jisung snaps out of it and looks at the younger.

"Oh. Hey Innie"

Jeongin forms a small pout on his face.

"Did you not hear me?"

Jisung rubs the back of his neck.

"No..sorry innie"

"It's fine, but what were you thinking about?"

Jisung then gets shy and panics a little.

"Um no one!"

Jeongin then raises an eyebrow.

"I said what..not who..Wait! IS IT MINH-"

Jisung covers Jeongin's mouth as Minho & Felix look over at the two boys as the bell for school to start, Rings"

"Sush! Now let's go Inside"

Jisung let's go of Jeongin's mouth and starts walking inside while Jeongin is following behind him being annoying with one question.

"Is it him? Am I right? It is him!"

Jisung's POV:

No, feelings are annoying.

And what the fuck even are feelings.

What ever they are. They are annoying.

I hate this feeling

A/N: Another Chapter?

A/N: Another Chapter?

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