"Everyone is just gonna come to our house. Trey is gonna drop Lyric off after they leave his family's house, my family is coming over, Wilmer's family is coming over. We've got it taken care of," Demi explained, tapping her fingers on the steering wheel as Harmony nodded and looked back out of the window.

"Are we still gonna wear matching onesies?" Demi looked over at her daughter in surprise. Last year she had whined about how the matching onesies were so stupid and she didn't want to wear the same thing as everyone else.

"I've already got them picked out," Demi smiled when she saw a smile tugging at the corners of her daughter's lips before focusing on the road again.

"Girls!" Harmony was having what she considered to be the best sleep of her life and she wasn't planning on waking up anytime soon. Christmas could wait for a few more hours.

"Girls, get up! It's Christmas!" But apparently her mother couldn't. Harmony popped open one eye and looked over to her mother who was kneeling on her bed with an excited grin on her face.

"Get up!" She had the matching long john's that they were wearing because Wilmer didn't want to wear a onesie this year.

"Come on, come on!" Demi chanted, shaking Isabella awake who groaned and rolled over, covering her head with Harmony's pillow.

"I'll meet you guys downstairs," Demi had a Cheshire Cat grin on her face and if Harmony wasn't so used to her over excitement on Christmas she would be a little creeped out.

"Isabella, come on before she bothers us again," Harmony pushed the cashmere cover off of her body and helped Isabella off of the bed. They slowly descended the winding staircase into the family room where all the gifts were and where the Christmas tree was lit up.

"Do you guys want breakfast or do you wanna wait until everyone else gets here?" Demi asked as Wilmer came out of the kitchen with two coffee mugs in his hands. He kissed both girls on the forehead before taking a spot next to Demi and handing her the mug.

"We can wait," Isabella grumbled. Demi cheered and went under the tree to grab the presents.

"Let's start with Harmony, shall we?" It was a giant box with holes in it and Harmony furrowed her eyebrows as Demi set it in front of her. Everyone was waiting for her to open it so she lifted the lid off and a tiny ball of white fur jumped out at her.

"OH MY GOD!" She squealed. She already had a dog before but her mom had given it away because she wasn't properly taking care of it. She didn't think her parents would ever let her have another one.

It was a little white Maltese puppy that could fit in the palm of both of her hands. But the little dog chose to settle in her lap instead and she awed at how adorable she was.

"So this is technically the family dog but Harmony, she'll be your responsibility. You have to walk her, feed her, bathe her, potty train her, everything. And you're the only one who can do those things, understood?" From their discussion at dinner earlier in the week, Harmony knew that this was her parents' way of teaching her some responsibility. She knew how to be responsible, but she guessed that she had to prove that to them.

"Thank you," she picked the puppy up and kissed her soft little nose. She was just so adorable. She had the biggest puppy dog eyes ever and she looked more like a little stuffed animal than an actual dog.

"Here Isa," Demi passed her younger daughter a box and Isabella quickly ripped off the wrapping paper and tossed it to the side. She pulled the lid off and it was full of dance wear from her favorite store. She had new practice clothes and a new bag and all new shoes.

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