Chapter 4

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I lie on my bed staring at my ceiling fan going around and around. I couldn't sleep last night, my thoughts we're keeping me up. I sit up and check the time. 10:38.
I should probably get ready. I take a quick shower and get dressed. My parents are still sleeping since they've been working all night.

I walk over to the Jones' house and knock on the door. Jack opens it, rubbing his eyes. "Good morning", he says as he yawns. " You wanna hang out or something? " I look over his shoulder and see Emily walking down the stairs. "Actually, I'm here for Emily. She and I are going out today." "Oh." I watch his face drop a bit. Emily hears me talking and jogs over to let me in.

"Hey! Ready to go? " Emily asked while grabbing the keys to the van. "Bye, Jack. " I said as I walked outside. He shyly waved at me and closed the door.

Emily and I hop in the van and she starts up the engine. "So, where are we going? ", I ask. " I figured we would get some food first, so we'll stop by Starbucks. " A few minutes later we pull into the drive thru . We order some drinks and she gets a wrap while I get a bagel. We get our food and pull over. "Close your eyes.", Emily says. " What?" "Just close your eyes, I have a surprise spot for you. I promise I won't murder you. " She giggles and I shut my eyes tight.

I don't know how long it was. Maybe 15 or 20 minutes. Suddenly I feel the car go to a complete stop. "You can open your eyes now." I slowly open my eyes and take in the scenery. We were near a cliff, a canyon next to us and shrubs on the other side. "Wow", I mutter under my breath. We sit in the car and talk for about an hour. Every time she talks I question myself. 'Do I actually like her?' She stops talking and gulps. " So. I uh, I have something to tell you." I look at her, confused. "I-I think I like you. And I know you and Jack are a thing so I totally understa-" "Jack and I aren't dating.", I cut her off. "You aren't?... Then I guess I can do this. " She smirked and grabbed my face, pulling me towards her. She planted her soft lips on mine. I was taken aback but kissed her back after a few seconds. I didn't know what to think, my mind just went blank. She pulled away and smiled. She put the car in drive and we drove back to her house in silence.

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