Chapter 25 - Their soul

Start from the beginning

With just my Blade of Creation, I was unable to use my Imperial Arms to its full potential. However, as long as Benjamin held his Blade of Destruction, he wouldn't be able to use his bow and arrow Imperial Arms. That meant well for us, as he is much less skilled with a blade. 

"We've got this!" Tatsumi shouted. 

"Right. We'll capture him and be done with this." I responded. 

If only that was how it went...

A moment later, we all heard a voice that seemed to freeze us in place out of instinctual fear. "Benjamin. What are you doing? Are you losing to Night Raid again?" 

It was a deep, but still feminine voice. After being alive for 150 years, I had never felt such animalistic fear as I did now. My long-cultivated knowledge was telling me that I should run. 

I looked up and saw a woman with blue hear and a militaristic uniform on. At her hip she held a long silver rapier. The air around her seemed to cool down and turned into precipitation. 

"Is that...!" Tatsumi shouted. 

"Esdeath!?!" Mine finished. "Shit... we need to go, now!" She turned and prepared to run. I wanted to run as well. But something told me that I wouldn't be able to get away that easily... 

I turned to Tatsumi, "Hey. Take her and get back to base." 

"What?!? What are you going to do?" He said. 

"I'll distract her. If the reports we've heard are right, then simply running won't be an option for us. So, you take her and get the hell out of here." I said. 

"What? You're insane! You'll get captured and tortured!" Tatsumi said. 

"So what. At least I won't die. And besides, I don't intend to go down without a fight." 

Tatsumi paused for a moment, but just for a moment. He knew that we didn't have much time before Esdeath went on her attack. He nodded, "Ok. You'd better come back home safe." 

I nodded, if only to reassure him and get him out of here quicker. "Yeah. Keep Mine safe." 

Tatsumi nodded, before grabbing Mine and dashing off. 

Thus, leaving me alone with Benjamin and Esdeath. I turned to both of them. Benjamin looked to be in a significantly worst mood since she got here. The same was true for me; any good mood that I had was gone now. 

"Letting your comrades get away?" Esdeath said. 

"Yeah. When faced with an impossible enemy, it feels like the right choice." I said. I spun my Blade of Creation around in my left hand. 

"'Impossible', huh? Have you already given up on defeating me?" She asked. 

"It's not quite that. I'm just not sure if I can defeat you or not. I haven't seen your powers first hand, but my instincts are telling me that I should run away from you." I paused. "I've been alive for a long time now, despite my appearance. And over the course of that long life, I've learned a lot about survival. You are a direct threat to my survival instincts; you instill a fear in me that I've never felt before." 

"I'll take that as a compliment from someone who is technically my elder. But let it be known that I won't show you the same respect!" She drew the rapier off of the scabbard on her hip. I looked to Benjamin, who still had my blade, and grimaced. 

There was most likely not that much material left in my Blade of Creation. I'd say that I could create one more wall, or throw a few bits of concrete as a projectile. Past that, I've got nothing. Plus, I can't run yet, unless I want this Esdeath to catch up with Tatsumi and Mine. I don't know how fast she can travel, but I can't imagine she's all that slow. 

Next thing I knew, though, Esdeath came charging at me. She was up in my face within a moment. 

My eyes widened in surprise and I spun off my leg to try to kick her. She dodged backwards and tried to take a stab at my leg. I sidestepped it at the last moment. However, she didn't let up and instead took several more stabs at me. 

Her rapier stabbed into me several times as we dashed around the battlefield. I was trapped on the defensive now with no way out. 

Eventually, she stopped attacking me and stepped back for a moment, almost to admire her work. I was covered in sword wounds and breathing heavily as blood fell from my being. "How unfortunate. You're not that strong at all. I'll finish this now and take you in." She said. 

I brought up my sword to defend myself. But instead, I was suddenly encapsulated in a giant block of ice. My entire body froze, literally. I felt the cold begin to quickly overwhelm me, and eventually found myself drifting into a deep sleep... 

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