【Rules ~ Formalities】

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1. You can't Roleplay in this book without the password and me accepting your form

2. My replies are sporadic and can take up to one day to reply!

3. I will not reply to you if you don't follow the layout. Place your form under the prompt that you want to play. Then, when it is accepted, we will either roleplay under the character your want or in PM's. I don't mind either!

4. Cursing is allowed!

5. Smut will be too but, limited! When the pants go down, that's when it fades to black!

6. No controlling my characters!

7. No Mary sues or Gary Stues

8. Bring the drama! But make sure my characters are involved in it too! This is about two, not just one!

9. Have fun! If you have a crazy idea, I'm probably gonna like it!

10. Talk in third person ex:
David grabbed his cup of coffee on the way out.

Not like:
*grabs cup of coffee* *walks out of coffee shop*


I grabbed my cup of coffee and left the store.

11. For any sort of warnings, the characters will have ✐ on their title

The password will be to message me a knock-knock joke! It doesn't have to be good

Have any other questions? Feel free to either ask below or just PM me!

You had me at hello ✦ Closed Rp Book Ver 1.0Where stories live. Discover now