Accidents Happen | Daichi

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If she had to guess, she probably has them scared shitless. She probably looked really crazy at this point.

"Hey! What's going on?" She stops as she sees more of their team approach.

Daichi's eye widened as he sees a really pretty girl with blood dripping down her face. He pales when he realizes that Hinata, Noya, and Tanaka frozen in their spots looking at him in horror.

"YOU THREE! APOLOGIZE NOW!" he yells at them.

They immediately do as their told and start bowing multiple time even though only carrot top was to blame. She snorts and wipe her nose on her compression sleeve.

"It's okay, with how sunny it is today the glare on the glass makes it hard to see inside ne~?" She says hoping they wouldn't get scolded so badly.

"Oh- Hai! I'm really sorry!" Carrot top says and bows once more.

"Kiyoko can you get the first aid?" The boy from earlier speaks up.

A very beautiful girl comes up to Geno causing her to blush.

"Come sit over here um-"

"Ah! Amagai Genoveva, it's nice to meet you!" She bows quickly but it causes her head to spin and tip foward.

Daichi catches the girl before she falls to the ground and helps her walk to Kiyoko. "Suga, can you get the guys to settle in we'll join you in a few."

The boy named Suga agrees and lead the team and Carrot Top who kept screaming he was sorry.

"Sorry about that, it's their second tournament and Hinata still gets overly excited. How do you feel?" Daichi says to her as Kiyoko helps her wipe the blood off her face and hands while she tilts her head upward.

"S'okay, I'll live. I don't think it's broken, but the kid sure has some strength."

"That's our tiny giant. Small but powerful." He laughs sheepishly.

She says nothing as she try to focus and keeps herself from getting dizzy. "Thank God I'm not playing today, otherwise I'd have to sit out."

"What school do you go to?" Kiyoko asks as she starts to ice her nose.

"Niiyama Girls Academy."

They both freeze and look at her in awe.

"What?" She nervously laugh.

"Niiyama is expected to take the win on the girls side!" Kiyoko says impressed.

"Wait, what did you say your name was?" Daichi asks.

"Genoveva. Amagai Genoveva. Why?" She asks innocently.

"Wait, your that ace that was on the national Volleyball magazine! The one who was invited into the national team!" He says amazed.

She blushes and curls her lip in embarrassment. "Oh yeah- you saw that?"

"Anyone who does Volleyball has seen it. You're in the same league as Shiratorizawa's ace." Daichi smiles. "You're the number on female ace right?"

"Um, not really. I mean, I think I rank #3. Some girl from Nekoma High is #1, But it's kind of embarrassing to be complimented. Honestly I don't really like to think of myself as an ace. Brings too much attention." She scratches the back of her head.

"Still it's incredible, the fact that you achieved something amazing like that- it's inspiring. You should be proud."

She looks at the ground and blushes. "By the way, what school are you guys from?" She perks up.


"Oh I heard about you guys. You gave that one school a run from their money! What were they called again?" She tries to think about but has a hard time remembering.

He laughs at the cute face she was making trying to figure out Aoba Josai's name.

"Seijoh." He tell her.

"Ah right. We crushed that team not too long ago!" She snaps her finger as she remembers. "It was fun." She snorted her sadistic side coming out.

"By the way, I'm Sawamura Daichi. Sorry I got caught in the conversation and forgot to tell you my name."

"Aw no problem. I forgot to ask for yours too, I apologize for my rudeness."

They talked for a few more minutes until Risa comes to get her and gets alarmed as she sees her with a cooling patch on her nose.

After explaining the situation on why she was late with no phone and Daichi apologizing for the incident, Risa helps her walk back to the team.

Geno waves goodbye to the Captain and Manager and wishes them luck for the day.

"I can't believe you were talking to a boy. I thought you said you had no experience talking to them?"

"I don't." She snorts. "But if their all like that, I wouldn't mind talking to them."

"Ooh I see, you like him." Risa wiggles her eyebrows at her.

"Sure, he's cool. Maybe I'll challenge him to a game if we cross paths again!" She smiled not getting to what her friend was getting at.

"Or you can ask him in a date~!" Risa laughs.

"What for?" She raised an eyebrow.

"You know so he can be your boyfriend!"

"Oh! You're right! I should have asked him to be my friend, how rude of me!" She gasps.

Risa looks at her friend in wonder on how she could be so innocent or stupid. "Nevermind."

Risa knew that romance wasn't in Geno's vocab and gives up on the topic.

"My nose hurts." Geno holds her nose again and walks forward without looking up.

"Hey, don't walk like that or you're going to-"

Geno fails to hear the rest as she bumps into someone's hard back. "Ah! Merda!" She cries.

"Well look who we have here? Iwa-chan~ look who's here!" Geno looks up at the man before her and sees him smiling sweetly at her.

"Hello, Genoveva-chan~!"

To be continued. . .

A/N: Alright, it's not the best thing out there but it's something. Whoever does happen to stumble upon my work. I'm sorry if it's cringy.

Hope you guys like it.

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