Chapter 10 - Sparring or Swimming (Ariana)

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I duck the blue lightsaber striking towards my right side, parrying the blow with my own blade before spinning around for a return attack. My lightsaber locks with Anakin's, neither of us willing to give an inch. Seeing an opportunity, Ramona leaps backwards away from her duel with Obi-Wan, lunging towards Anakin's unprotected left arm. Expecting her assault, he extends his hand, sending a powerful Force shove at her as he pushes me backwards. It's so not fair to fight someone with a metal arm.

The Force attack hits Ramona, and she flies backwards, lightsaber falling from her hands and landing on the bank of the pond. She struggles to her feet, an irritated expression etched onto her face, before tripping and tumbling backwards, not to the ground, but right into the pond. A screech of pure horror escapes her as she falls, arms flailing in all directions, but her destination is the same.

With a huge splash, she lands headfirst in the pond only to reappear moments later, spitting out a mouthful of water. The fierce glare plastered on her face is directed at Anakin. The momentary distraction ends the standoff with Anakin – which he would have won – as Teagan and I erupt into uncontrolled giggles at the sight of our sister as she steps onto the bank, hair and clothes dripping wet and sticking to her body. Anakin joins in the laughter, and Obi-Wan covers up a laugh with a cough.

"Are you alright?" I ask between peals of laughter.

"Yes," grumbles Ramona, picking up her lightsaber and stalking back towards the group.

Seeing the sparring match resume, Anakin spins his lightsaber, expression becoming intent once more, before lunging towards me. I squeak of surprise escapes as I throw up my own blade, blocking him two inches in front of my neck. Ramona allies herself with Teagan again as they resume their assault on Obi-Wan. His Soresu is flawless; none of their attacks come close to hitting him.

Anakin pushes me backwards, and I stumble, giving him an opportunity to whirl towards Teagan. She jumps aside just in time, her blade clashing into his. Ramona turns to aid Teagan, and for a few seconds, their lightsabers clash in an intricate dance of blue. I take the reprieve to catch my breath. My lightsaber skills have improved drastically over the past several weeks of intensive training, but we still have a long way to go.

Anakin presses an attack on Teagan while I turn towards Obi-Wan, who is waiting for me to attack. Ramona suddenly steps back, her lips curving up into a satisfied smile. Anakin is focused on parrying Teagan's strikes and doesn't notice Ramona lift her hand towards him. Suddenly, he's flying through the air, landing with an enormous splash right in the middle of the pond. Ramona bites her lip to suppress a squeal, but I know Obi-Wan sees the smug expression on her face. I can't help but laugh as Anakin disappears below the surface.

"Revenge is not the Jedi way," Obi-Wan scolds, but his lips twitch up into a smile when Anakin's head appears above the surface of the water, a furious expression on his face. He looks even worse than Ramona did, since he landed in the deepest part of the pond.

Shaking the water out of his blonde hair, Anakin swims to the shore and climbs out, his borderline murderous expression fixed on Ramona. All three of us crack up at the sight of him. He stands at the edge of the water, lightsaber clutched in his hand. Finally, he pushes the ignition switch, but nothing happens. Anakin frowns down at it, before scowling and throwing it to the ground. I guess it was fried by the water.

"Oh, how priceless," I choke out between giggles, wiping at my tears, "The great Chosen One. Defenseless."

The glare Anakin gives me only makes me laugh harder if that's even possible. Suddenly, his expression becomes neutral, and a glint enters his eyes. The sudden change sends a tingle of warning through my body. It's enough to make me pause and narrow my eyes at him.

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