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⚠️⚠️Warning rant ahead and if you don't agree then please unfollow me⚠️⚠️

I hate hearing about things like this. If you have a child it's up to you to support them from day 1 no matter what. If they want to be a singer, you support them. If they want to be a dancer, you support them. If they're gay, you support them. If they're transgendered, you support them. Hell if they want to become a stripper you fucking support them even if you don't agree with what they want to do. Because that is who they are and that is what makes them happy. And if you aren't able to do that or aren't willing then maybe you shouldn't be a parent. People need to calm the fuck down and get their head out of their fucking asses and just accept people for who they are. Because when your child knows that you don't support them or respect them that causes a lot of damage. More then you'd think. Because family, especially parents, are the people you are supposed to always be able to rely on. The people that are supposed to support you no matter what. And I'm sick of it. I'm sick of people not accepting their children because they don't understand or don't want a "damaged" or "broken" or "weird" child that doesn't fit into "the norm". What the fuck even is the social norm.

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