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Tito, you still have that connection with the police department? Tito stares for a long time. The only time King LaChata request that is for extreme measures or to completely wipe out an entire gang without having to lift a finger and taking all the streets back. Tito looked worried and said yeah, I may have to do some convincing though. Our last altercation was a bit messy. Know what I mean. King LaChata looks back at Tito. Look here Mother Fuckah with you that could mean a number of things. Fucking Fuck boys. Shaking my damn head. Now when you say messy. Do you mean sex messy? Or nah? Well you see... As Tito's got into his gay... BABY GIRRLLL moment he was instantly cut off. Tito's! King LaChata was fed up. No one asked you for a entertainment section get the fuck outta here. King LaChata told him. Now look I just need you to convince him to take the paperwork for our investigation and destroy them so we can proceed this operation again. Boss look, Misure got up. You can't go again. We've tried. Trying to do the same heist again is dangerous. King LaChata pulled out his M4. Aimed at Misure and said, bitch we trying again or we dying, bitch the end. Everyone in the room was quiet 🤐. LaChata looks around the room. Don't just stand there looking dumb you slow mother fuckers. We need to start preparing for the greatest heist of all time. His devious look now looked like demons possessed him. King LaChata was on another fucking kind of crazy. He really wasn't thinking rationally. He sat on his throne that sat in the middle of the trap house. He listened to the sounds of the song that the females made coming from the back as they got fucked. He then had the females around his throne to start dancing and taking clothes off. Yes! Yessss! He was yelling. With a terrifying smile he whispers everything will fall into place for supreme supremacy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2020 ⏰

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