Did you miss me?

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Obviously, Thomas didn’t want to appear a crazy person so he gave it a while before finally picking up his phone and texting Newt. Now he wasn’t weird, but Thomas may or may not have altered the name he put in his contacts several times ranging from;

‘Newty’, ‘Newt <3 <3’, ‘Pretty boy’ before finally deciding that ‘Newt’ would do just fine.

“Did you miss me?”

Thomas didn’t expect a reply for a while, figuring Newt would probably still be working so he was surprised when about 10 minutes later his phone lightly buzzed against the table that had been provided in the kitchen, now outfitted with a few items of Thomas’ choosing since he’d finally started unpacking, and had made good progress too.

“OH MY GOD I DON’T KNOW HOW I SURVIVED WITHOUT YOU FOR MORE THAN 5 WHOLE MINUTES, PLEASE, OH PLEASE MY THOMAS SWOOP ME OFF MY FEET. This is Tommy right?” This caused Thomas to break out into a fit of laughter, rolling around on the rough carpet. Maybe I will.

“Oh my darling Isaac, our time will come soon. We shall board a boat and travel to far away places and live in a castle! :) Yes this is Thomas”

“Well I bloody hope so because if a stranger sent me that I’d be a little more than concerned”

“Hey are you still at work, don’t want to get you into trouble with the rat man”

“Yes I am still at work, however, the rat man left about half an hour after I got back to the café so you’re alright but thanks for caring enough to show it concern haha”

So with that Thomas and Newt continued to exchange texts all the way through his shift occasionally replies taking longer to deal with customers but Thomas figured the café would be pretty quiet if not completely dead at this time. It baffled Thomas just why the café was open so long but he guessed it must work, after all he stumbled in at a ridiculous hour.

Finally Newt ended it saying that he was, “completely buggered from work” and needed some sleep. It made Thomas happy, however, that Newt finished by saying “You know Tommy you’re a really nice guy.”

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