No Emotion 2/? | Fives

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  Fives gave you a frown, bobbing his head. "but don't worry about me, I'll be back, I promise." He told you. "I'll always come back to you."

"I know, I know, it's just that I hate watching you leave every time."

"And I hate leaving every time."

The two of you went silent as he slid his arms around your waist. Fives then nuzzled his face into your stomach, a smile now forming on his face. "If it's a boy, we're naming him Fives Jr."

"I'm not agreeing to that."

~ 2 months later ~

  Over the last couple of months, you'd been able to hide the fact that you were pregnant, but you knew that you couldn't keep that a secret forever.

Just a few nights before, you had been able to talk to Fives and ask him when he was coming back, and his answer was 'soon.' Fives had also told you that he'd call you back, but that never happened. After sitting and waiting around all day, you were going to finally go to bed, but then you had some unexpected business to attend to.

"Milady, there's a clone here to see you." Your handmaiden spoke. "He says that he has urgent news."

  Assuming that it was Fives, you stood up from your desk and rushed out of your office. Your husband knew never to show up through the main entrance of the building, which made you believe that something was off. Once you arrived to the main room, you were met with an unfamiliar clone who had jaig eyes and various tally marks on his helmet. "Can I help you?" You clasped you're hands together, now disappointed that it wasn't Fives.

The clone removed his helmet and rested it against his hip. He attempted to look you in the eyes, but it appeared that he couldn't. "Would it be alright if I had a word with you, alone?"

    You glanced at the handmaiden who had followed you and bowed your head. Once she left, you turned your attention back to the clone and waited for him to speak.

"There's no easy way to tell you this." He spoke. "And believe me, I wish that I wouldn't have to, but I do." Horrible thoughts began to fill your mind. You knew that whatever he was going to say, it wasn't going to be good. "You were married to Fives, correct?"

   "Were?" You began to shake your head. "Please... please don't tell me that..."

   "I'm sorry Senator... Fives was killed just last night." The clone guiltily looked to the ground. "He asked me to give you this." You watched as he outstretched his hand and offered you a folded piece of paper. You carefully took it with a shaking hand, tears rushing down your cheeks.

     If you are reading this, it means that something has happened to me. Since the day I first met you, I've always carried a note with me incase anything were to happen. Of course, the longer that I've known you, the more times I have re-written this just for you. After Echo died, I told my Captain about you and I, ya know, in case of an emergency. I trust Rex, and I know that he'll take this directly to you. I want you to know that you've changed my life in so many ways, you gave me the chance to love someone in a way that I never thought I would. I don't want you to cry over me cyar'ika, please don't cry over me. I'm sorry that I couldn't make it home to you this time, but know that I love you and that I always will.

  P.S - if we have a girl, I like the name (girl's name), and if we have a boy, (boy's name)

~ Fives

But you couldn't hold back your tears. Instead, you began sobbing as you brought the note to your chest. The clone, who you were assuming was Rex, led you over to a nearby couch and sat you down. He didn't say another word until he knew you were comfortable enough. "What happened? How could this happen?" Your voice broke.

Rex looked at you, his eyes full of regret. The last thing he wanted to do today was tell his best friend's spouse that he was dead, that he wasn't coming back, but he owed it to you to say everything he knew about the situation. "I'm not supposed to be telling anyone about this, but..." Rex. began. "there were drugs found in his system. If I knew Fives the way I think that I did, I know that he wouldn't do drugs. Something isn't right and I want to get to the bottom of it."

"H-How did he die?" You asked.

   "He had attempted to assassinate the Chancellor, so the Chancellor sent his men to... take care of Fives." Rex looked away and wiped his newly found tears away.

  "No," you shook your head. "Fives wouldn't do that... h-he was loyal to the Republic! H-He-"

"He wouldn't have done it without a good reason." The clone sat next to you. "He tried to warn us. There's something big going on with us clones, something that I can't yet understand. We have these chips in our heads and there's a purpose for them, I know it."

   "Then... it's up to us to find out its purpose. For Fives." You looked up at the Captain.

"For Fives." He nodded.

You looked down at the note in pain with one final question. "Was he in pain?"

     Rex softly huffed and thought of what to say. Once he knew, he spoke up once more. "He tried to hide it, but I could tell. He had this look in his eye, like he was scared of losing something. He was scared of losing you."

   At that moment, it was as if you became filled with hate and anger. If Fives was going to kill the Chancellor, then there had to be an explanation. You were dying to know why that reason was, what made him risk it all? You knew for sure, that you for sure hated the Chancellor, and you were going to take him down.

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