//No. 81//

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season 10 episode 5 - "Fan Fiction"

Mrs. Chandler: It’s this awful, unbelievable horror story. Like that stuff really happens. Theater is about life, truth. Where is the truth in Supernatural?

Me: Trust me, lady. You don't wanna go there.


Sam: There’s nothing here to even remotely suggest there’s a case.
Dean: There is nothing there that even remotely suggests there isn’t a case. Boom.

Me: Winchester Logic.


Dean: There's no singing in Supernatural!

Me: You tell 'em, Dean.


Dean: I’m gonna need 50 Jello shots and a hose-down to get this stink off me.


Marie: They’re rehearsing the B.M. scene.
Dean: The bowel movement scene?
Marie: No, the boy melodrama scene. You know, the scene where the boys get together and they’re driving or leaning against Baby, drinking a beer, sharing their feelings. The two of them, alone but together, bonded.

Me: Bowel movement scene. *spurting water all over the floor and laughing*. Dean, you're one of a kind.


Dean: You wrote your own ending? With spaceships?
Marie: And robots. And some ninjas. And then Dean becomes a woman.

Me: Whoa, HELL NO! Dean stays the way he is, for all us fangirls. Move over, kid.


Sam Winchester: I don't understand.

Dean Winchester: Me neither.

Sam Winchester: I mean, shouldn't it be *Dea*stiel?

Dean Winchester: Really? That's your issue with this?

Sam Winchester: No. Of course, it's not my issue. You know... how about... Sastiel? Samstiel?

Dean Winchester: Okay. Alright. You know what? You're gonna do that thing... where you just shut the hell up. Forever.

Me: This. Scene! xD


Sam Winchester: [Turns to Dean as a thought occurs] Casdean?

Dean Winchester: Shut your face! Get in the car!

Me: I love you, Sam. xD And Dean's reaction was legitimately priceless.


Dean Winchester: (to Marie about the scarecrow) You want to piñata this asshat?


Marie: Writer/director/actor. I’m gonna Barbara Streisand this bitch.


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