Part 1

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Dull's POV

A little boy can be seen jumping roof to roof while he holds a stack of poker cards. He jumps down, does a backflip in midair and lands perfectly on the ground in front of a house.

That boy is me, the name is Dull, and currently I am making my way back home.

I skip my way to the house, once I got in, I saw two tall figures standing near the couch.
These two were my parents....

Mom: And where have you been?

I begin to sweat, my parents do not approve of me doing magic tricks out at night, well, not like they approve of anything.

Dull: Um...I've been out doing magic?...

The both of them gained angry expressions, then my Dad lunged at me, grabbed me by the collar and dragged me forcefully up the stairs. My Mother followed him.

They reached my room and threw me inside, then they locked it. The problem about this is that whenever they do this to me, I do not get food, water or even get to go to the bathroom.

They lock me in until they hear me begging for them to let me out, they enjoy my pitiful pleas...

A few hours pass by, the door opened, to reveal a very drunk Dad with a whip in his hands.

Dad: Oi Brat! *hic* come ere!!! *hic*

I was whipped, how many times? I do not know, I couldn't count when I was in such pain.

Dull: Dad! Please stop! It hurts!!

I was screaming, begging for it to stop, but this time he never stopped. Tears were streaming down my eyes, what did I do to deserve this? All I did was a few magic tricks down the road....

When he was done, my body looked like I just came out of hell. There was so much blood I don't even know how I'm still alive, luckily over the years I've built up a bit of endurance for pain. So I could still move.

I was mad, no not that, enraged.
I began remembering all the things they've done to me over the years, I felt something snap inside of me.

I can't take it anymore, I need to get rid of them.
My lips formed into a sinister smile, I already had an idea in mind.

I waited a few hours for them to be asleep, then I grabbed a needle filled with anaesthesia. I injected it into them, and waited a few minutes. I had to make sure they wouldn't wake up.

After all...they're about to help me perform a magnificent magic trick.
I pulled them out of bed, dragged them across the floor and got them into the car. I grabbed two chairs and a lot of rope.

I got in the drivers seat and began to drive, what? Never seen a 16 year old drive before?
I drove for an hour at full speed, I stopped, looks like we have arrived....

We stopped at a cliff, one that if you were to fall off, not even your body can be found...the sea will consume your soul.

I walked at the edge of the cliff, holding the two chairs, I put the rope down nearby. Then I dragged the both of them and placed them on the chairs.
I used a rope and tied the two very tightly, I tied everything, arms, hands, legs, knees.

Then I pulled out a small clock, hmm, it looks they'll wake up right about....n-

Dad: What the fuck is going on here?! Why am I tied up?!

It seems they have finally woken up, I smiled maliciously at them, they saw me and were scared.
I began to walk closer to them, they were pissing their pants already...quite pathetic, I must say.

I stopped in front of them, not letting down my smile. They were absolutely terrified of me.

Mom: H-hey S-Son please don't do this! We'll be good parents! Promise! Just please untie us!
My smile grew more malicious,

Dull: If you're gonna be good parents, then please do help me with my one final trick!

I turned around and pretended there was an audience watching.

Dull: Ladies and Gentleman! May I present to you my final trick! I have these two people right here, now you see them?

I turned to them, I gave them one last smile and pulled out a cloak, I covered them with it. Now they were screaming and begging me to stop.
I continued,

Dull: Now you don't!

I kicked them off the cliff, the screams died down.
They're finally dead...oh well, that was some good practice!

I then turned back to the imaginary audience and bowed,

Dull: Thank you! Thank you!

Pretending to accept applause. Then suddenly, I heard a camera click, I turned around, I saw a group of teenagers, having horrified expressions plastered on their faces. Looks like one of them is calling the police.
It seems we have some unwanted guests...I guess I'll have to do another trick then!

I smiled gleefully, then I took out a stack of poker cards. I shuffled them, and then began to throw them everywhere. The teens were so focused on the cards, they seem to have forgotten about me...rookie mistake.

By the time they finished staring at the cards that fell gracefully in the air. I had all their electronic devices in my hand, I smiled.

I was about to speak when suddenly....


A gun was fired, and the bullet went straight through my chest. I dropped to the floor,

'So this is how I die huh? Wonder what hell is like...', I thought to myself.

Soon, darkness took over, but something unexpected happened. I felt like I was falling.

I then hit the floor, I opened my eyes, I saw a large pentagram in the sky, i saw buildings everywhere and I also saw many different kinds of creatures walking by me. How very interesting....

'So this is hell? Hahaha! Looks like fun!', I thought gleefully.

I then stood up, dusted myself off, and then began walking away from all the people.
Thinking of the many different things I could do in this new world.....

The Jester of Hell (Hazbin Hotel X Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now