Chapter 2 - "What Happened in the Past?"

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I don't know the reason why Bright hated P'Mew so much, I felt like P'Mew won't do anything wrong, which is why after the encounter I had with P'Mew at the restroom, I quickly approach my friends.

"Hey, guys, is it alright if you tell me why Bright hate P'Mew so much?" I asked Mild and Pavel while sitting in front of them, who is now looking so confused. "Why? Are you interested in him?" Mild said with a smirk, but I just shook my head at his statement. "No, I'm just curious, that's all." I said as they sighed while signaling to me to come closer to them and that's what I did. "So, here's the story..."

Bright and Mew are so close even though they are both hot-tempered person and anybody could tell that they are in a relationship even though they are not, it's just that they are too close to be just friends. And to be exact, Bright is the only person Mew trusted to tell his secret, that he is gay, but it wasn't a big deal to Bright and even supported Mew from it.

And that day comes, Bright has this cute person he wants to introduce to Mew since it seems like Mew would be interested to him and he is correct, Art, his cousin and Mew, his best friend, eventually ended up together.

Bright is so glad to see his best friend happy with his cousin, he feels like everything is so perfect even it is just small things but that feeling doesn't lasts for too long because these small things, unexpectedly, are decided to be broken.

They dated for 2 months until one day, Mew spend the night with his boyfriend, Art in his apartment and while Art is taking a shower, his cellphone suddenly rings which means someone is calling. As Mew looks at it, he saw that it is an unknown number but Mew, thinking that it might be something important, answered the call.

"Hello?" Mew answer, not expecting what he/she would say. "Hey, Art? How are you, babe?" Mew froze. Not knowing what to do, then the guy on the other line spoke again. "Art? Baby, are you okay? Answer please..." The guy said and before Mew knew it, tears were already flooding on his face, not expecting that Art would cheat on him. He ended the call and turned around.

As he turned around, Art is now in front of him as he looks at Mew with tears on his eyes as well, "P'Mew, please, let me explain... Listen to me, please..." Art pleaded and was about to kneel in front of Mew, but Mew wasn't able to control himself at that time so he punched Art on his face without hesitation having the feeling of being betrayed, cheated and hurt, he don't know anymore, he feel so numb.

"How could you cheat on me? Do you think I'm that stupid, huh?!" Mew shouted at Art as Art doesn't say anything and just keeps on crying while sitting on the floor and when Mew was about to get closer to Art, Art spoke.

"Yes, I don't even love you since the first day, I just pity you and I hate the fact that P'Bright introduced me to you even if I don't like you..." Art said, making Mew fall on the floor feeling his heart being crashed into pieces as he just cried.

"But I love you so much, I'm even willing to sacrifice my life for you and this is what I get?" Mew thought to himself, and Art walked out saying, "It's a good thing you found out, at least I don't have to pretend anymore." That is how it ended between the two of them, leaving Mew brokenhearted.

But that doesn't stop it, Art do something even worse, he recorded himself, while saying things that completely destroyed Mew's reputation, such as saying that Mew scolded him inappropriately and force him to do sexual things or should we say harassment. Being an emotional guy he is, Art even cried on the video making everything look realistic even though all the things he have had said was not true, that makes Mew as the guy everybody resented because of that video that Art spread on the university.

Even his own best friend, Bright, believed everything Art said that makes him hate Mew and as worse as it can be, Bright promised himself not to talk to Mew ever again. "I thought you are the best. Yet you're the worst" -Bright

Mew keeps on asking, "What did I do wrong to receive all these criticisms because of a false statement?" Mew was in his worst situation in life at that time, he even attempted suicide because of what he had experienced.


"That's it, that's how everything shattered into pieces for him." Mild finishes as the story of P'Mew and his past ended. I can't even imagine myself being in the same situation as his, now I really feel so bad to him even more. "Please don't spread this, okay? Mew only told this to us like... last week? Because we get curious when we heard girls talking about it again after a year or two." Pavel said as I nodded my head and ask them again. "But where's Art now?" I asked but they shrugged, not knowing the answer.

"So, do you believe him?" I ask as Mild has this I'm-not-sure look while Pavel nodded as I ask him, "Why do you think so, Pavel?" Pavel smile at me but I don't feel good about it as he keeps pointing his eyeball to my back, so I turn around and saw Bright coming so I sit up straight. By the time Bright already sit beside me, my curiosity hits me again, so I want to ask a lot of things but before I even do that, something caught my eye, Bright's bracelet. I look even closer since he just takes a nap at classes as always, and to my surprise... Bright & Mew is indicated.

With a smile on my face, I turn around to face Pavel saying, "Maybe there's still a chance, so tell me, why do you believe him?" I ask in low tone so Bright wouldn't be able to hear as Pavel whispers in my ear. "Because Mew is sincere when we talk to him, can't see any fakeness, he's telling the truth, I'm telling you. And yes, there's still a chance." Pavel said sneakily that it tickles my ear, but I endure it while giggling.

"What do you mean there's still a chance?" I ask pretending like I have no idea what he is talking about, "Exactly like what you meant to say, because up until now, P'Mew is still so important to him." Pavel said smiling surely.

Before the class started, Bright still takes his nap while here I am, thinking how good it must've been if I would be able to make them go back to how
they're used to be, best friends. After what P'Mew went through, this could be the best gift for him, right?

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