Split bar/lounge

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As we are having fun Tylor had ask me to join him and he introduced me to his crew , it was nice meeting them and Tylor and I sat down on a 2 seater couch because he wanted to finish the conversation we were having and I didn't mind it at all .

Tylor : Hey you !
Gab : hey !!! You look good
Tylor : thank you so do you it's like you dress for work and straight to happy hour lol
Gab : lmfao really 😒
Tylor : oh I meant it an a good way I'm sorry if I offended you an any way
Gab : lol no no you didn't it's cool but your face expression was priceless lol 😆
Tylor : Ha funny , but all seriousness though what did you mean when you said you were going through life ?
Gab : I meant like while I was in college I almost didn't graduate because I was going through it with my family
Tylor : um would like to share with me
Gab : my cousin had a friend who was abscess with me and he would stalk me every day and call me from random unknown numbers and I began to feel scared at some point and I had to stop going to school for a while and one day my cousin came up to me and grab me and told me I belonged to him his friend and I told him to go fuck off and at that point my cousin friend grabbed me had his way with me ripped my clothes off and sent me on my marry way and my parents didn't do anything about it as I told them and they all believe it was me trying to get attention and I stayed home in my room never came out unless it was dinner or shower.

Tylor: omg I am so sorry you had to go through that because when we were in school I would wonder where u are and I would ask for your number and no one give it to me I am so sorry wish I could of helped you
Gab : at this point I'm full on tears, it's okay please take me to the ladies room ,
Tylor : okay lets go
Gab : when we got to the ladies room it was empty just me and Tylor
Gab : thank you for coming with me I'm sorry I'm crying when we're supposed to be having fun I just don't wanna remember it ever agin
Tylor : don't worry you won't I'll make of it you are safe with me babygirl
Gab : full on blushing 😊 thank you
Tylor : are you blushing awww that's cute
Gab : lol 😝😊

( Gab's POV )
As we were staring into each other eyes I noticed how Tylor had beautiful eyes like the ocean but when he gets mad I've always known him is eye would get read as well as his skin but I never ask why , but we are in the ladies room and my face is 2 inches away from him and I know he wants to kiss me and I want to kiss him to . As my face leaned forward and kissed him and I realized I did he took his hand held it their and then he put his hand around my waist bringing me close to him we were tongue kiss for a while and then we stop .

Tylor : lol let's leave the ladies room and get back to having fun
Gab : okay yes let's please I want to drink and dance
Tylor : what do u want to drink ?
Gab : Bacardi on the rocks please
Tylor : coming right up babygirl
Gab : oh thank you
Tylor : your welcome let's have a seat and drink 🍸 and then we can dance after
Gab : okay

( Gab's POV )
As we had multiple drinks 🍸 now I am completely in the mood for dancing as me and Tylor walk to the dance floor I'm swaying my hips back and forth and Tylor is enjoying it as he stops dancing with me for a while and he is just watching me and after that he came back and held my waist as I was grinding onto him he growls and told me ,

Tylor : babygirl you are playing a dangerous game
Gab : hmmm yeah so play along
Tylor : you sure
Gab : yeah
Tylor : but my pants is getting tight by you grinding on me we may not be here long or would u rather take a brake
Gab : yes let's take a break
Tylor : lets go seat down

( Tylor's POV )
Man this girl will be the death of me not only is she's cute but she can dance as well and I wanted to take her right then and there but after what she told me I don't want to jump to conclusions because she's been drinking a lot and I'm going to take advantage of her we are hear to have fun and that's what we're doing , as I looked at her she has her arms wrapped around my arms on my lap and her head leaned on my shoulder witch was completely fine by me as we all are in conversations about funny things that happened, as I looked at Gab's she's falling asleep on me I had to call it a night.

Tylor: boys it's been a great night nice seeing u all
Boys : yeah you to man be safe .
Tylor: Gab's
Gab's : huh
Tylor: hey would like to go to my house and sleep
Gab's : okay Tylor it's fine thank you
Tylor: okay babygirl

( Tylor POV )
As we get to my house I carry Gab's because she was drinking a lot and couldn't walk so I carry her to my room took off her clothes and shoes 👠 and took a clean small towel wiped her makeup off her face and cleaned her face up then changed her into one of my shirts and placed her on the bed and covered her as I went to go clean up and when I was done I put a clean pare of boxers on and hopped into bed with her and she took my arms and cuddle with it

Gab's : I love you Tylor
Tylor : good night Gab's
Tylor : I'm not sure if she meant it but I said good night just to be safe I wonder if she will remember what she said to me by tomorrow .

Lost Love gain Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora