The meeting

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Sherwins POV
"Noooo..." I say as I turn off my alarm for school. "Come down for breakfast honey!" Moms yelled up the stairs. I REALLY Wasnt looking forward to school today. "5 more minutes..." I mumbled when my eyes got heavy. I heard talking on the stairs and then "he'll be down in a second" and the voice trailed off. I ran downstairs. "Hello?" I said still tired. Then I saw a boy, An incredibly handsome boy. I blushed a lot because 1.He was HOT and 2.I was still in my pajamas "Heya hon! These are our new neighbors, Mrs. Rodriguez and Jonathan! -Jonathan- I thought, that was the cute boy I saw. "Hello" He said with such a calm voice. I'm Jonathan, Your new neighbor!"

I had a nosebleed

Right there...

Right then...

Sorry it's not the best but CLIFFHANGER UwUbill post tomorrow (Monday July 13 2020)

See ya meh chickens and Ducks!

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