"Come on Arthur..we..we...need to get you out of 'ere" Aurora snivelled reaching down and grabbing Arthur's arm, attempting to lift the crying man who remained slumped on the floor.
"I didn't mean...I didn't..mean"
"Arthur please not now, later....just...come on" Aurora interrupted in a silent plea to him not wanting to discuss anything until she was in the right frame of mind and had calmed Arthur down. There had also been too many witnesses and despite her sadness Aurora knew they couldn't say too much, she didn't want Arthur in trouble after all. Her heart was torn in two, this wasn't right, the situation wasn't right but her love and loyalty rested with her family, she just hoped the poor boy could forgive her.

Finally managing to get Arthur off the ground Aurora took his hand and began pulling him towards the exit.
"I'll hang for this" Arthur stated as they walked out the doors and into the street Aurora had rushed down moments ago.
Looking around Aurora saw that life was carrying on like usual yet it theirs seemed to have frozen in time rendering them unable to escape until the devil caught up with them. They all had a part to play in the death of the boy, there was no escaping from that, not even if they were to fall on their knees and beg for mercy.
"Don't say that Arthur, Tommy wouldn't let that 'appen" Aurora hissed, her teeth chattering due to the cold. She leaned in closer to Arthur's side but he was just as cold as her, if not colder.
"Here sister"
Pulling his boots from his feet, Arthur knelt down on the ground and picking Aurora's legs up one at a time he guided her feet into his shoes, shielding her toes from the frozen pavement. After tying the laces so the boots wouldn't come of her small feet, Arthur got up off the ground and gave her a sad smile.
"Arthur, your feet will get cold, please take your boots back" Aurora protested now feeling even more sorry for Arthur who was trying to mask his shivers.
"Rather my feet be cold than yours Rora"

Taking Aurora's hand Arthur put it into the crook of his arm and walked on.
"Fuck Rora....what 'ave I done? A kid...a fookin' kid..with me hands, me bare fookin' hands" Arthur grunted, his eyes welling with tears again as he brought a bloodied hand up to his face.
"Not 'ere Arthur, there's already enough witnesses. People listen, wait till we get 'ome" Aurora instructed softly glancing around the street to see if anyone had turned their faces towards them.
"Orright sister, orright M'sorry" Arthur nodded choking on a sob and petting her hand.
Taking the hand that was petting hers Aurora gave it a small squeeze and bit her bottom lip to stop it from trembling.
"C'mon Arthur ey? 'Fore we both cry in the street"

The walk back home was long and tiring. Aurora felt as if she were running a race which had no end and the closer you thought you came to the end the longer the race became.
Once they had reached Arthur's home Aurora quickly ushered Arthur inside and held herself up against the door after slamming it shut.
"No Arthur, drinking yourself silly isn't goin' to make this go away" Aurora called out watching him reach for the bottle of whiskey that rested upon the table "You need to go upstairs and get the blood cleaned off you, then we can 'ave a drink and talk"
"Ror..." He went to protest but the warning look on Aurora's face stopped him in his tracks. She glared momentarily before her face fell into one of pity and concern.
"Please Arthur, just do as I say" Aurora pleaded quietly, her tone weak and small.
Nodding his head, Arthur turned away from the table and giving Aurora one last sorry look he headed up the stairs and out of sight.
"Christ!" Aurora wept banging her head against the door harshly and closing her eyes, hoping this world would fade and she would wake up by the fire with her book.
Knowing it wouldn't happen she walked over to the table, picked the bottle of whiskey up and opening the lid she proceeded to drink until it was impossible to continue on. She had told Arthur not to drink himself silly and yet here she was doing the very thing she had told him not to. Pouring some in a glass for Arthur she left it in front of his chair and made her way to the phone.

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