Ghostface x Fem Reader

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So in this part the reader is extremely badass (aNd a fliRt-) I would live to thank @FieryArchAngels for the wonderful suggestion! 🥺)


The sound of night rain was around you and it was comforting to you. You were dog-sitting for your friend even though you really didn't want to. Your hand made it's way to scratch the corgi's ear as it's ears perked up. You couldn't sleep even though it felt like the whole world was asleep but just you and Bernard. Bernard was an old welsh corgi with it's tongue always peering out of the corners of it's mouth. He had soft fur but some health issues attached to the pup also. The fur ball stuck itself beside your leg and as you reached to grab the remote. There was nothing on television but replays of old sitcoms. A hollowness filled your stomach and growled in response. You lifted yourself up from the brown couch and stumbled to the kitchen. The small feeble electric tried to make the whole room seem visible but was doing a horrible job. Anthony's mom was vegan and had strong beliefs to animal cruelty which you never really got. You see, she would talk all this mess and show you countless videos of cows being lead to slaughter houses. They would moo and kick and do everything. You wished you could've slapped her and all four of chins but you kept your composure. It wasn't that you were scared of her you could've blew and all of her skin and bones would be on the floor. You knew it wasn't good to talk about an elderly woman this way but all she did was complain. It came to a time in 10th grade were you refused to go the household, but now being in the same house you couldn't feel anything but nostalgia. Your hands opened the refrigerator to see countless replacements for meat and cheese.
"Did she really find a replacement for butter made out of...flax seeds?!"
You said to yourself as a familiar fluff ball brushed against your calves. The unwieldy feeling of hunger overbearing every thing causing your arm to swing the door shut. The refrigerator went side to side before staying in the previous place. Anthony said he would be home by 7 but here you are taking care of a dog at 9. Bernard stepped away and looked at you with his tired brown orbs. He always had such pretty eyes you remembered walking into the house when you were in 6th grade and look at a small pup. Bernard wasn't a fan of Anthony's mom, Mrs. Banks but he was a sore sucker for you. He waddled to the couch to plant himself  and his stubby legs on the plush surface with you following behind. He was getting old and you knew, to the way he barked to the way how his fur felt in between your fingers. His bark was slower and not as chirpy or loud. He lost his bold persona and faded into a watered down version of himself. Your eyes felt heavy and even though you knew Anthony wouldn't made you staying a night you still felt guilty of shutting your eyes.



The rain pattered as a girl on the couch with a corgi beside her. She just didn't know what was going to come her way and was she ready for it? A figure peaked itself over the wet bushes, a large sharp object coated with old blood. His hollow white mask made it to the small cottage. Adrenaline pumping through his veins imagining how she would scream and squirm under his wrath. How he would watch her hollow breath turn into nothing. His lips curled under his mask as he observed the glistening house.

A chimney.

How could this be even be challenging? It was like she summoned him and made him bloodthirsty. Not like he wasn't bloodthirsty he always was. His weight balancing on a strong branch before putting his foot down on the roof tile. Making his way to the chimney he put his hands and lifted the cover giving him access to the whole house. He could feel his hands shaking wanting to scavenge for the slowest death imaginable. Why not slit her throat as he grips onto her h/c colored locks? If he was lucky enough he could tie her down and watch her look in horror as he drives the sharp object into her stomach? He added his body into the slim brick walls and scooted himself down to the living room. He wouldn't lie this girl, but something about this girl intoxicating the way her hair sprawled against the pillow the way her lips parted as she laid. Too bad that he'll make sure that she sleeps forever till her guts are nothing but rotten sludge on the floor. She twitched in her sleep and rolled. His hand raised up with a knife attached to it but it was put to stop. Her soft hands gripped him and threw him into the glass table, shattering it. Though, the pup wasn't there you could hear his claws scattering on the hard tile floor. Her e/c colored eyes shooting daggers into the white mask. He stood their shocked, in no history of his bloodthirsty life had he saw someone who landed the first major attack on him. She stood like a tall building her covering of soft persona was no ripped away with a cold woman with eyes. He wasn't gonna stop by this...oddly attractive woman...His gazing being out on different parts of her body. Her legs, her eyes, everything about her was
The woman above him chuckled and put his face back on the ground.
"For a killer you sure do check out me too much."
Her voice milky and soft with a tone of venom stuck to it. He didn't want to attempt to escape the hands of this woman..but..he had to, he had to kill her and wash his feet with her blood. He wasn't here to stare and have a nice cup of coffee with the lady he was here to kill...and that what he was gonna do. He lifted with his upper torso making the woman jolt and sending him free. His feet planted on the ground looking at the her. The mask felt heavy and almost murky he was sure sweating, but the girl had only one bead of sweat rolling down her soft face with a emotion printed on it.

"Are you just gonna look at me big boy?"

The devious smirk almost sent him to hell right there and then. He lunged at her but with no avail he failed. Her hands gripped his hand and for a second he felt like he was on cloud 9...but instead of friendly talk or a hug he was once again planted on the ground. The booming throaty chuckles cane out of her as he could only see her shoes approaching him.
"I suggest you stop trying and get out of here."
His heart pounded and jolted against his rib cage she was so close.
"And take off the horrid mask it looks like a failed middle school art project."


He didn't respond but her hand did by slapping him.

"What's under the mask?"

Her voice more threatening that sent big shivers down his spine. He obliged, lifting his fingers and the edge of the mask before tugging it and revealing what he was. He felt so submissive he didn't plan to be in woman's grasp he wanted to kill not be a boy toy..but here he was obeying a girl that told him what to do. He was ashamed to the least. The woman had taken an interest to his features and looked closer.
"What's your name?"
She asked tilting her head but the knife that was on the ground was now in her possession.
"It's Bil-Billy Loomis!"

"Pathetic name for a pathetic man."

Her fingertips caressed his jawline. He looked down in shame and his looked around the floor.

"You better be lucky you're cute because if you weren't you'd be out. Anyways boy toy, I want you to get out of here before Anthony scolds me. He's already gonna scold me about the table."

The boy obeyed and got up putting his mask on. His hand extending meaning that he was requested for his little sickle.

"You want this? Just promise me you won't do something stupid and I have to put you on the floor again."

He nodded and he was handed his beloved knife. His figure turned and started walking further away from her. It was the first time he surrendered the first that someone actually escaped his wrath with no cuts. He stepped outside to see the dark night once again it was still raining and he could hear the rain droplets hitting the ground. She was so strong-willed and seductive. He thought to himself that this wouldn't be the only visit he'll have. Maybe he'll turn to her stalker or eventually murder her. Make her lie in her own pool of blood and scared of with another jab with large and odd and also sharp object. Time will tell, and so will knives...


This is a little bit shorter then the Michael one but it's still 1563 words! It may not seem a lot but I'm writing this in the car so I got carsick ✨.  I hope you enjoyed! I'm not good at writing like seductive characters but like...I tried! Have a great day and remember...

Stay hydrated.

Slashers x Reader Oneshots!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt