1- Leaving California

Start from the beginning

I finished my drink quickly and closed my eyes. I was able to get some sleep but not much. My brain wouldn't shut off. What was in New York waiting for me? Why was my family killed? What the hell is happening?

10am. I'm getting off the plane, grabbing my bags. I walked outside and flagged down a Taxi.

"Could you take me to a nice hotel please?" I asked the Taxi driver.

"Sure thing Miss."

Arriving at the hotel, I paid the taxi driver and went inside.

Once inside my room that I got for the night, I got naked and jumped into the shower. I took the warmest shower I could, trying to relieve some of that stress in my body.

Drying off I put on the robe the hotel provided and decided to go through the stuff that was in Mom's safe. I laid it all out on the bed. Different kinds of paperwork, two letters that were addressed to me and a guy named Eric, a phone, a few pictures.

Wait who are these people? I thought?

My mom and two little kids that look to be around the age of three, and a handsome man. I wonder if this man is my father? The little girl I recognized to be me, but who is this little boy?

I put down the pictures and started to look through the papers. I came across some birth certificates. One for Eric Russo and another for Emma Russo. Wait what? Same birthday but born seven minutes apart. I kept looking back and forth between the papers...

"WHAT THE FUCK?" I yelled.

I need a drink! I called down to the front desk and ordered a bottle of red wine and a bowl of Chicken broccoli alfredo.

"We'll bring that up when it's ready." The guy told me.

Hanging up from the front desk I went back over to the bed and picked up the cell phone. I plugged it in with the cord that was there and powered it up. Looking through it, the one and only name in the contacts was for an Eric. The guy on the birth certificate, and possibly the child in the photos?

I picked up the letter addressed to me and opened it.

My sweet baby girl. I am so sorry for all of this! This isn't the life I had envisioned for you or Eric. There are reasons why your father and I had to do what we did, to make sure you were safe and I'm hoping that someday you can forgive us. I loved your father very much, hell I still do. He is my everything, just like you and Eric are my everything. Someday soon we will all be together again. Be smart and wise but most importantly get a hold of Eric. I promise you sweetheart everything will make sense soon.
Love, Mom

Forty minutes later there was a knock at the door. I paid the waiter and took my food and wine to the bed. I ate, drank and stared at the pile of crap in front of me.

It was 8:00pm and I still have not called that number. I picked up the phone, and then put it back down again.

"This is ridiculous, I'm just going to call. Mom obviously wanted me to."

Breath... I hit the number, It's ringing.


"Ummmm, is this Eric Russo?"


"Yes? Who is this?"

"Ahh, ummm my name is Emma Johnson and geez, I'm just going to come out and say it... I think I might be your twin sister."


"WHAT THE FUCK did you just say?"

I laughed, "That's funny, because I said the same thing. Listen I don't really know what's going on, all I know is I watched my mom and grandfather get killed last night and I got all this information that led me to New York and to this number... You."

"Where are you? I'll come to you right now."

"No, we can meet tomorrow morning."

He lets out an annoyed breath. "Are you close to Central Park?"

"Yes, fairly close."

"Tomorrow, 9am go to the cafe called 'My Angel's,' It's on the corner of 10th and Elm."

"Alright, I'll be there." With that I hung up and turned off the phone.

I quickly got dressed and headed downstairs. I called for a taxi and gave them the address to this cafe. It was about a fifteen minute drive. I scoped out the place and then told the driver to head back to the hotel. Man was he confused. Ha.

Tomorrow will be interesting.

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