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We all woke up and I knew that I had to talk to Kairi about this

I just had a wet dream about my best friend then my dumbass just goes back up and cuddles with her like nothing happened

"Well because of all this Corona shit we don't have school for awhile,what do you guys want to do?" Hannah asked and looked at all of us

"How about we all go to New York for a week?" Alejandro suggested and we all look at him and I see Hannah smile

"Yeah that seems like a good Idea and my aunt lives there and she had a big ass apartment so we can all stay at her house" Hannah said and smiled

"Ok I agree with New York who else?" I say and they all say yes so I guess we are going to New York then

"Ok all we have to do is tell our parents and then we can leave tomorrow" I said and they all nod their head ok

We all to pack to go home well except Alejandro because we were at his house

We all started to go out the door but I see Hannah starting to walk home

"Hannah" I yelled and she turned around "I didn't even get off the yard yet why you yelling" she said and laughed

"Get in the car I'll take you home" I said and she smiled and got into the car in the passenger seat

"Thank you Tia" she said and kissed my cheek, I instantly blushed so I hurried and turned on the car

I started to drive and we had little conversations until we got to her house

"I'll pick you up in the morning" I said and she nodded and he hugged then she went into her house

I called Kairi and started to drive away

"Hello?" Kairi asked and I smiled "Kairi I have to tell you something" I said and he looked back at the phone screen

"What is it" he asked and smiled "ok I had a dream about Hannah last night" I said and he laughed "what kind of dream?" He asked and U sighed

"A sex dream" I said and He laughed really hard "I fucking knew it dude" he said and continued to laugh

"Shut the fuck up" I said and and rolled my eyes then stoped at a red light "I mean I know I have a crush on her but I never had this type of dream about any girl before" I said and the light turned green so I continue to drive to my house

"Well have you ever stop to think you are in love with her?" He said while I pulled into my drive way so I just paused

Do I love her

Well I mean I always have she is my best friend

But do I really love her like that

I mean I said I did on the plane

So do I

My bestie ||  Mattia PolibioTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang