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I was about to make a run into the room but the door was locked, I trying to pull out the keys but Lena grabbed my wrist but like her short ass can't move me so then she smacked me

"Ow, how the fuck did u get here before me?" I asked and looked dow at her while trying to get the keys out oh my hoodie "why the fuck are you at Hannah's room" She said

Is this bitch that dumb

"I stay sleep here duh" I say and roll my eyes and she hit me "don't get smart bitch" she said and by then I had my keys out so I slowly put it in the little key hole and the door opend so I slowly took out the key and made a run for it

I shut the door and locked it and I put my back to the door and she was banging on the door

"Mattia open this fucking door now" she yelled and I looked down then this dumb bitch kicked the door and the security guards came and all you here is

"Um mam can you please stop or we are going to have to ask you to leave" the guard said "no bitch I'm trying to get into the room with MY boyfriend" she said and I rolled my eyes

"Well it looks like you'rr boyfriend don't want you" one of the guards said and I laughed and Lena heard me and kicked the door

"MATTIA SHUT THE FUCK UP AND REMEMBER WHAT I YOLD YOU BITCH" she said and I just stoped and the guard said "ok thats it mam we need you to leave" the say then all you heard are faint screams

"thank God that btch is gone" I say and look at my phone and make sure the video is still there and it was thank god

I looked up and see Hannah with really red eyes and her cuddling with alejandro and Alvaro's head on her lap starting to fall alseep but woke up and I droped her keys on the desk

"Where the fuck was you at" Kairi said and looked at me pissed off "I was at the Chick-fil-A and Lena came up to me and she sais something that I seen you guys to hear" I said while a liitle tears came out my eyes and Hannah rolled her eyes and moved her head onto Alejandros chest to be honest that kind of made me jealous though

All of the boys got up and came over to me but not Alejandro because Hannah was not getting up so I just pulled out my phone and Alvaro turned off the movie and made sure everyone can hear the video then I started to play the video and Hannah looked up at me and I looked at her with tears in both of our eyes

After the video was done she had tears all over her so i ran to her and picked her up and she wraped her legs arounf my waist and we both were until Alejandro said something

"Just date already" he said and I can't complain though I wish it was true I seen Hannah blush and put her middle finger up at him and I smerked

After all that we all lay down and watch movies and had a really good night and went to sleep so we can be well rested tomorrow

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