Elena was quick to speak up "No. Damon leave him out of it." "Why what's the big deal?" Liza was quick to try and back her cousin up, hoping to get the vampire to listen to her. "Damon. Damon!" They followed him into the living room where Jeremy was, "So, I heard you found a really cool journal from back in the day." Liza rolled her eyes while Stefan and Elena looked at each other, "Who else did you show it to?" "Huh?" "Don't ask questions, just spill." Liza shook her head and closed her eyes, tilting her head up to face the ceiling, it was going to be a long night. Jeremy looked at him like Damon had five heads, "you're kidding me, right?" Elena then took a direct approach, "Jer did you tell anyone other than Mr. Saltzman about the journal?" Liza shook her head, knowing they were sounding insane to her younger cousin. "Why is everybody so obsessed with that thing?" Liza shrugged her shoulders at her cousin, "It's actually kinda cool, the amount of history it has is pretty fascinating." The others all looked at her like she was crazy, "I'm a nerd, leave me alone." They all focused back on the task at hand, "Who else did you tell?" "Just that girl Anna." Damon looked at him for conformation, "the hot weird one?" Jeremy nodded, turning back to his game before Stefan grabbed his attention again. "Wait, who's Anna?" Damon looked at his brother "that's what I wanna find out." Liza looked at Jeremy as Elena went to answer her phone. "How do you know her?" Jeremy looks at her "I just know her, she wants me to meet her at the grille tonight." Damon looked between the three, "perfect, I'll drive."


Liza had decided to let team Stelena handle looking through the copy of the journal, Damon was at the grille looking for Anna, while she took the time to catch up on homework. Just because she was an all powerful banshee didn't mean she could fail high school, her mother would kill her. She had just finished her essay for English when Stefan barged into her room, telling her to put on her shoes and a coat.

So here she was, in the middle of a cemetery, about to dig up a grave. She wondered just how far down the rabbit hole she had gone. "Why isn't your father buried in your family's tomb?" Liza looked at Stefan to answer her cousins question, "It wasn't built until well after he died." Liza and Elena nodded, "Are you sure the grimoires in there with him?" Liza picked up a shovel as Elena asked the questions, she just wanted to go home and go to sleep. "As sure as I can be." Liza nodded, "great." The sarcasm was heavy in her tone, causing Elena to look at her with daggers, making the red head throw up her hands in surrender.

"Elena, we can do this on our own." Elena looked at her boyfriend, "and I said I would do whatever I can to help." Liza smiles at her cousin, she knew Elena would help no matter what, she didn't have a selfish bone in her body. "And I appreciate that, but..." Elena cut him off "This town is my home Stefan, my friends and family are here, you're here. I don't want that tomb opened anymore than you do." Liza gently smiled at her cousin and gave her hand a soft squeeze. Stefan handed her a shovel as he went around the grave, standing on the opposite side of Elena and Liza. The banshee felt bad for him, "I'm sorry that you have to do this." Stefan nodded at her in thanks, and they began to dig.


Elena was above ground while Stefan was in the home digging still, Liza sitting by Elena's feet, shining the light in the grave they were digging up. Stefan looked up at Elena who was shaking her head, causing Liza to as well. "What?" Elena chuckles before gesturing to herself and Liza, "not many girls can say they've done this." Liza laughed, now that she thought about it Elena was right. Stefan then turned to continue digging, however he didn't need to as he hit something. "Well that was so not six feet." Stefan threw his shovel up and knelt down to open the box.

Stefan got the big book and closed the coffin, stiffly smiling at them with unshed tears. Liza sent him a look of sympathy before he brought the book over, making her stand up by Elena's side as the burnette knelt down. Stefan opened the book, revealing it to be the grimoire. "Well what do you know?" Liza moved with her cousin as Elena went to shine the light in Damon. "This, is an interesting turn of events."


Stefan has moved in front of the girls, making Liza place Elena slightly in front of her, covering all angles to protect her. "I can't let you bring her back, I'm sorry."  Damon nodded, "so am I, for thinking for even a second that I can trust you." Liza looked down, she didn't know why she felt bad, Damon was not her friend. "Oh, you are not capable of trust. The fact that you're here means you read the journal and you were planning on doing this yourself." "Of course I was gonna do it by myself, because the only one I can count on, is me! You made sure of that many years ago Stefan." He then looked to the girls, "but you two, you had me fooled." Liza just opened her mouth but the words couldn't come out. She didn't know what to say. She looked down at her shoes, almost as if she was ashamed yet she didn't know what she was feeling.

"So what are you gonna do now? Because if you try to destroy that I'll rip both their hearts out." Liza drew in a quick breath, she wasn't sure why she was scared, but she was. "You won't kill them. Kill her." Stefan said the last part and pointed at Liza, knowing that Damon cared for the girl, yet Damon was angry, and he was unpredictable.

He showed this by speeding over and grabbing the banshee in a chokehold, causing Stefan to turn to them in a panic while Elena screamed for her cousin, Stefan quickly pulling her behind him. "I can do one better." He then but into his wrist, forcing the red head to drink his blood. Liza tried to fight him off but for some reason, she wasn't able to access any of her banshee abilities. "Give me the book Stefan, or I'm snapping her neck and then your precious banshee will be a vampire." Stefan was quick to argue, "let her go first." Damon took his wrist away, "drop it." Stefan shook his head, "I'm not gonna give this to you, until she is standing next to me." Liza looked at Stefan and Elena, both of which were almost in tears. "Problem is, I no longer trust that you'll give it back!" "You just did one of the only things that ensures that I will." Damon nodded to the ground, causing Stefan to throw the boom in front of him slowly. Damon leaned his head against Liza's, slowly loosening his arm around her, allowing her to slowly slip away from him. When she was free, Liza ran into Elena's open arms, who quickly comforted her cousin by rubbing her head and back, glaring daggers at Damon. The three of them then quickly got out of there, Stefan guiding them back to Liza's car, driving them all back to the Gilbert residence.


Liza had gone to her room, quickly locking herself away as she thought and contemplated on what just happened. She was angry, hurt, and for some reason, she felt betrayed. She knew why, it was obvious she had slowly grown feelings for the blue eyed vampire, but she wasn't sure when it happened. It hit her like a truck, knowing she wanted someone she couldn't have. And that only made her hurt worse.

Hey look! I updated! Enjoy!


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