"we need to go." archie simply said as he turned and ran full force ahead, esme followed suit and mr. sam... well... "oh lord jesus help me and my back." he prayed before running— er, prancing more so as fast as he could behind esme and archie. you followed, running as fast as you ever had in your entire life— even with one leg barely functioning.

it felt like hours were passing as you all ran, and the ache in your leg was not letting up. you wished so fiercely that you could melt in to the ground and just rest even for a moment, but that wasn't possible. you had to strain it if you wanted to survive.

"stop stop... over there." esme whispered loud as she could before pointing to a nearby tunnel under the hill, just before the city. it was dark and secluded, and not really a tunnel seeing as the exit was closed off. it was perfect for hiding but also would no doubt trap you all if running was needed.

"are you fuckin' crazy? we go in there and we come out as alien lunch." archie hissed through clenched teeth at his older sister. esme only scanned the hill ahead before turning to archie with the shake of her head. "okay hotshot, you try climbing that steep hill to get away then. not only does one of us here have a minimally functioning leg, but another has asthma!" she scolded.

mr. sam nodded, "yeah exactly, son!" making archie tense his sharp jaw. "how the hell can we hide in there?" you let everyone somewhat bicker and plot as you took a step forward and squinted at the tunnel ahead. your eyes scanned the empty, abandoned passageway before landing on a pile of large crates... large enough to hide in.

you simply tugged on esme's shirt to get her attention as you stared ahead at the wooden crates, "i found our hiding spot.." you told them before pointing ahead to the last resort left. you knew the dark alien cult was getting closer, you could feel the vibration of their synchronized steps under your feet. there was no other escape that couldn't slow you down or get you all killed.

archie shook his head at the idea but one sharp pull of his ear from esme's hand had him following her like a shadow.

your group worked quick and together to pull the luckily empty crates in to a position that would be suitable for hiding. soon enough everyone was huddled together in the wooden boxes, legs entangled and absolutely no ounce of personal space unfortunately... but it had to do.

you glanced down at your little brother as he munched on the marhmallows, nearly at the end of the bag. your hand found his cheeks and you pinched them together so he'd listen to you clearly. his big brown eyes wandered up to yours in confusion. "we need to be quiet, okay? no noise or the bad guys are gonna get us... understand?" the young boy simply nodded once before turning away again and quietly chewing on more marshmallows.

as the seconds passed, you could feel them getting closer. the crates vibrated more and more each time their boots kissed the soil. now— you weren't the most religious person, it was kind of hard to be with the state of the world at the time but, in that moment you were asking whatever creature that was supposedly up in the heavens to keep you and your friends safe. begging. you couldn't lose another family... you couldn't.

your mind drifted to your mother. you only wondered what she'd be telling you in that moment. how she'd probably do her best to reassure, maybe make a stupid joke just to see you smile. yet she wasn't here to do that anymore. she'd never be. your haunted mind was torn from your sad thoughts when esme placed a tense hand on your upper arm and clutched it in fear, snapping you back in to reality.

"sir, are you sure about this?" "yes, it could be a trap sir!" two unidentifiable, robotic voices spoke. everyone in the crates all fell in to complete silence, even your little brother oddly enough, and your eyes wandered to that of every other person's gaze beside you.

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