Millie 😲❤️: Hiii omg I love you 🥺

I love youuuu 😯😯😯

unknown: Are you Y/n Y/ln I think u are?? 😳

I hope so... 😅

Finn 😳💛: That's Jack... He's one of those I was talking bout 😂

Wait, r u serious??

Finn 😳💛: Deadly 😑

mkay wait a sec

You changed unknown to Jack 🥴❤️

Jack 🥴❤️: awh that's a cute name
Wait did he tell you what I think he told you

Um, probably 😂

Jack 🥴❤️: finn 😶

Finn 😳💛: shut up, I'm bout to expose the others too
Ok, so 2nd one is Jaeden
3rd one's Noah

Noah who ??

Finn 😳💛: U said u watched st 🤔

wait, THAT NOAH?!?! 😳

Finn 😳💛: yh, he actually showed you to all of us

unknown: I think I'mma just leave this gc, I'm hc embarrassed now

Finn 😳💛: That's Noah's number👆

Hiii Noah omfggg 😱

unknown: hii I'm Jaeden ☺️
I just read the messages and I-

Finn 😳💛: Sorry not sorry losers

You changed unknown to Noah 💞💞
You changed unknown to Jaeden 🥰🥰

Is that everyone??

unknown: Eyoo I'm here too 👋
I'm sophia

You changed unknown to Soph✨✨

Millie 😲❤️: Ok, that's it
Hey, where do u live??

but I'm on a tour rn ☺️

I'm in Seattle
wbu guys?

Finn 😳💛: We live in LA too

Soph✨✨: We should deff meet when u come back

omg yesss
ok u guys fixed my mood ❤️

Millie 😲❤️: oh no were u sad??

long story... tell u all about it later, now i rlly gtg
ttyl ❤️

Noah 💞💞: byee

Jack 🥴❤️: goodbye mfs
and Y/n

Finn 😳💛: cya losers

Millie 😲❤️: bye my dear friends 😑

Soph✨✨: byeeee

You rushed out of your room to tell Dixie what just happened. You suddenly bumped into someone.

You: Oh, I'm so sorry

-No its ok

You: I'm Y/n Y/ln

-Jason Waud nice to meet you

You: I'm sorry Jason, but I rlly gtg now, see you sometime

You continued running towards Dixie's room and bursted trough her door. You saw Avani and Charli there too.


Dixie: You don't have to yell we're literally 3ft far from you

You: You won't believe what happened!

Dixie: Let me guess, you have a boyfriend

You: No, better! Ya know stranger things?

Avani: Yea, I love that show, why?

You: Well, Finn Wolfhard messaged me!

Charli: No way!

You: Yes, way!

You showed them your phone.

You: AND there's more


You:He added me to a gc!!

You gave them your phone and they read your messages.

Charli: Ok, but this is soo crazyyy!!!

You: Says you. You met Noah!

Charli: Yes, but you will meet Noah, Finn, Jaeden, Jack, Sophie and MILLIE!!!

You: I know insane!!

Avani: But why did he message you?

You: Accidentally

Avani: Oh ok. I suppose you're not mat at us anymore?

You: Not unless you did something related to my love life again

Avani: No I promise

Charli was still scrolling trough your gc

Charli: Um, guys, this is a problem...

Dixie: What is?

Charli: Finn literally said that Noah, Jack and Jaeden have a crush on Y/n. And what if that becomes more that a celebrity crush when they meet her

Avani: Oh shit

Dixie: well, what now?

You: Nothin I like Blake

Avani: Well see bout that when u meet those boys in person

She raised her eyebrows and put on a teasing smile. You replied with an annoyed look.

Charli: Well, let's go and celebrate! U have no idea how happy I am rn!!

You: And yh btw I just met some boy named Jason. I bumped into him

Dixie: Y/n you really have to watch out, you're constantly bumping into people!

Avani: Wait, was it Jason, like Jason Waud?

You: Yh why?

Avani: Nothing, just... curious

Charli: Lets goooo!

You: K were going! Jeez

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