"I don't get why you sound more excited than I do." Han giggles lightly at her soulmate's enthusiastic encouragement. Jisung heaves a heavy sigh, "Hyunjin is a person that I greatly care for." He says in a soft tone.

"I'll think about it." Han speaks, "But before that, do we have the same perspective regarding soulmates?"

"Why are you asking me that?"

"I-I don't know." She gets slightly worried, "If you think soulmates can be life partners then...aren't you hurting so much right now...?"

A long silence comes from the other side. It is very uncomfortable, but Han doesn't know what to say; maybe she hit the target that makes him go speechless. Even so, that is definitely not a good thing, and Han may have regretted talking about it.

"Maybe I shouldn't talk to Hyunjin after all—"


Han flinches when the loud voice booms through her phone, "Ji-Jisung?!"

"Han, didn't you say soulmates can stay as soulmates? There's no need for us to become life partners, is there?"

"T-That's what I said..." Han replies, "So...we're on the same page?"

"Are you dumb? Why would I support you and Hyunjin together if we don't have the same perspective?"

The girl laughs at Jisung's question, her lips spreading really wide after the whole thing. The conversation was something she was scared of, previously. But after spilling the tea on Jisung, she could feel a huge weight on her shoulders getting brushed off.

"I'll be rooting for you." His voice sounds calmer this time.

"Thank you, Jisung. I'm glad that we understand each other well; I sure am lucky to have you as my soulmate."

On the other side, Jisung's heart feels warm after hearing her sentence, followed by a soft chuckle. He smiles at the voice and gets up from his bed, heading for his desk and sits down on his comfortable chair, "I'm lucky to have you too, Hanseol. Tell me how it goes, okay? I expect good news."

"Will do!"

And with that, the two end the call; with the girl, feeling extremely relieved, while the guy, having mixed feelings.

Jisung places his phone on the desk and stares at the set of printed pictures pinned on the bulletin board in front of him. Though he has just met her for some time, he has taken a lot of pictures with her, knowing that he's extremely fond of this girl.

He leans back against his chair while slowly swaying left and right, still looking at the set of pictures.

Jisung has to admit that he has never agreed on Hanseol's perspective about soulmates. Some people think they don't have to end up together, but Jisung feels like the missing puzzle in him has been filled in perfectly by the girl. He does not simply understand her or does things the way she does.

They have very similar perspectives regarding the world as well—except for the soulmate issue.

"At least it's Hyunjin." He mutters to himself, still, staring at the picture of Hanseol, brimming brightly. Jisung can't lie though, he's genuinely happy that Hyunjin finds someone he's interested in, and knowing that it's his soulmate, he can assure that Hanseol can be a great partner for him; and vice versa.

"But what am I gonna do with these feelings?" Jisung groans silently, massaging his temples while trying to hold his tears back.


Without knocking, one of his roommates come into his room. Jisung didn't mind though, considering that he too, is one of his best mates.

"Are you gonna eat the ramen or not?"

"Oh, Minho. Has it been 15 minutes?"

The so-called Minho rolls his eyes, and goes to Jisung, giving him a back hug, "If it hasn't been that long then I wouldn't be here for you, you dumbass."

Jisung chuckles at his words, lets him embrace his body for a moment and heaves out a sigh of relief, "Thanks, Minho. I feel recharged now."

He proudly grins at Jisung and lets him go before ruffling his fluffy hair, "I'm always here to help you get back on your tracks when you need to, okay?"

Minho starts walking out first, "You better tell me the drama while we eat."

Jisung blinks at his friend and couldn't help but smile. Even without saying anything, Jisung is surprised at how Minho can tell that something's up; then again, it isn't the first time that it happened.

He gives the set of photos another look before walking to the door with a small smile. If letting her go means happiness for her, Jisung is always ready to do so.


Author's Note: AHA here's the second update! My heart actually hurts while writing this HALSKDJFH because Jisung is actually my bias but hey this story is about Hyunjin so I'm not gonna take the spotlight off him HAHA

Anyway, there's one chapter left until this story is complete! How are you guys liking the story? :D Thank you so much for all the upvotes and comments!! THEY ALL MEAN SO MUCH TO ME HAHA I ACTUALLY DIDNT EXPECT THIS STORY TO DO THAT WELL >< I LOVE Y'ALL SO MUCH UGH

Also, I'm planning to write a story featuring Chan after completing this story, would you guys read it? :O Well, also Felix as a secondary character :D It's a fantasy-themed story just like this one (not about soulmates tho lmao), but the main theme is still slice of life/school AU :D 

Please tell me what you think! ^^

Stay healthy and safe guys!!!


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