Chapter 1

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Becoming a hero, it isn't an unrealistic dream for some. Sure, they could become heroes in this society, but what about the others? The powerless, the ones with weak or 'villainous' powers. Where do they go? What do they do? 


They are meant to hide in the shadows. Never to be seen or heard and hurt for other's amusement. The powerless should die mostly by suicide and the villainous would turn to become villains.  

However, one powerless boy still wants to help people ... to become a hero. But in this society, he was put down and bullied for having a dream. Heroes, everyone wanted to be them. However, in this case the powerless boy saw the true colours of the heroes and gave up. Gave up on being a hero and he gave up on life. How could a world be so concerned about powers to not realise the fact that almost all heroes want fame and money?

Powers are called Quirks in this super-human society and the powerless are called the quirkless. Being labelled that changes their life for the worse. For this little boy, it didn't put a damper on his determination nor dream. He still pushed for the top spot. Being a hero.

At the age of four, this little boy realised that the man is not born equal. Laying on the ground after protecting another kid, his arms, legs and his entire body actually. He limped home to where his mother franticly looked over his injuries. Once he was bandaged up, he went to his room. The room where soon, all of his hero merch would be donated or stored away.


Years later, the little boy grew up. His eyes that used to shine with determination only held fractions of what is used to. The bright smile he used to have was whipped clean off his face and his hair grew darker. Not knowing why the quirkless were discriminated like this, he pledged to make it better.  To make the society he lives in, better.

Beaten for years, he grew a very high pain tolerance that would only increase as the years flew by. The lack of a quirk completely out-shined the fact that he was amazing at analysing people and things and his increased intelligence. At the ripe age of ten, he already compleated his junior high work and courses so he went onto more complicated things.

It had only been six years after being deemed quirkless and the boy had already analysed every hero, known villain and vigilante. Every new year, he would analyse the new heroes coming out of school. Why? Just because he wanted to be useful.

Later on, his room had a hacker theme to it. His large desk held three monitors and a keyboard as well as a few hidden burned phones in a draw. You see, he was a broker, a very intelligent one at that. Sure, he had to hide it from his mother but she was happy that he found a passion that wasn't being heroic or a hero. 

You know that saying, about sticks and stones? As if broken bones hurt more than the names he was called and he was called them all. So his broken heart string bled the blues as he tried to empty himself so that he couldn't feel anything, don't tell me that hurts less than a broken bone.

Every year, the arsenal of names he was called was updated with hurtful names. It were times like these when he wanted to give up on life. I mean, he was slowly cutting away at his will to live so why not jump? It would make so many people happy. That's what they say, 'be a hero and jump, that way you can make people happy.' What if he jumped, what would the do? 


He was so close to finishing junior high so that he could try and get into UA's general studies or support course but. He gave up. There was a letter on his desk and he had his bag hidden that was full of the information under some of the floorboards. Looking down at the ground below, asphalt has never looked so soft. ' I better take this chance before I miss it' he thought and fell backwards. His scarred and butchered arms were on display as he looked up at the sky. 

People used to say 'never look down when you're up high' so he was going to have his last memories to be one of the sky. Beautiful blue sky and soft clouds. The perfect way to end his life.


Heels clicked against the pavement. She looked behind her and slowly, her pace slowed down. The people chasing her were long gone. Ducking into an alleyway so that she wouldn't get anymore suspicion. Sure, she was wearing a mask that concealed her identity but they would recognise her. 

The sound of a body hitting the ground made its way to her ears. She was used to the sight of dead bodies but this one was young. Younger than her younger sister. His body in a puddle of his own blood. Picking him up, she ran towards a place she knew that they would be safe. Base. 

In times like these, she wished to have a speed quirk so she could get there faster. " Don't worry, little one. You'll be safe, just hold on," Her voice was soft. There was a faint heartbeat but it was slow. He was dying but hopefully, he could survive.

His cold body was placed onto a table. She wanted to be with him but was dragged away in comforting arms. " Club will heal him, calm down," Came a soft but rough voice from behind her. An hour later, and his heartbeat was regular and all bleeding was stopped. Now, tehy just had to wait and hope he doesn't suddenly take a turn for the worst.

Hopefully, he would want to stay. Hopefully, he wouldn't hate them for what they are. Hopefully...

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