Or was it for Enderlox? Did being a hybrid affect one's appetite? I sneaked a glance at Mitch. He ate normally.

"We aren't going to starve you," Mitch said when Deadlox had left half of the food on the plate. Ty scooted closer, and grabbed a potato off the plate.

"Thanks!" she squeaked then scooted quickly back to my side. She broke the potato in half and gave half to me. Friendship equals sharing food.

Deadlox sat up against the wall and put the plate behind his back. The playful and fun Deadlox I had known was gone, and his green eyes were darkened, missing the twinkle they once had.

We stared at each other for a few more minutes. The light started to shine brighter. Cool, light that goes according to the time outside. Must be the new mod... or something else? I put my hand inside my jacket pockets, finding my sword hilt and also my new redstone cubes that turned into mechanics.

Deadlox crossed his arms, which was an impressive feat, considering his wrists were still chained. "When am I going to get out?"

No one answered his question, and his voice echoed eerily in the room. Deadlox looked at me, then at Ty. He never looked at the other hybrids. He rested his head against the wall and closed his eyes. "I'm never going to get out, right?" It was more of a statement than a question.

We sat there for, like, half an hour. The other three hybrids went out of the room one by one. After an hour, the only ones left were us, sitting on the floor. To be honest I was getting a little bit sleepy and the silence in the room was comforting.

"So, now that they're gone," Deadlox suddenly sat up, startling me. Ty leapt to her feet, startled too. We watched curiously what Deadlox is doing. He slipped his wrists out of his handcuffs and rubbed them.

"What the heck?" I frowned. I grabbed my sword hilt and activated it, pointing it at Deadlox with one hand while advancing. Deadlox backed into a corner of the room and Ty went to inspect the handcuffs and the chains.

"These are way too big," Ty said, dropping the handcuffs on the floor. "You could've escaped any time?"

Deadlox had his hands up and my sword was almost touching his throat. Almost. "Yeah, yeah." he said hurriedly. I backed up just a half step, allowing him some room to breathe. Ty came up behind me.

"Should I get the others?" Ty asked, rubbing her temples with both her hands. "Ooh, this makes things so complicated."

"Only twenty four hours are up, though," I said, poking the sword at Deadlox's shirt. It left a small hole. "We should be safe for the next twenty four hours. The problem is we just have to catch him."

"Or call Mitch or Jerome in to modify the handcuffs," Ty crossed her arms and frowned, looking at Deadlox, who offered no suggestions whatsoever.

I glanced up at the ceiling, praying to Notch that we could find a good answer to this problem. If we call Mitch, Jerome and Ian back in now, they would never allow us to see Deadlox again. On the other hand, if we just let him go, he might ruin the house and also the forest and take us back again.

Ty was right. This makes things really complicated.

Because of the problem at hand, my sword arm drooped a bit and Deadlox saw this as an opening. He grabbed my wrist and flicked my sword out of my hand. Ty quickly activated hers but that wasn't quick enough and soon both our swords were out of our reach, on the floor and deactivated.

We still had Deadlox cornered, but not for long. He executed a series of kicks and punches that me and Ty managed to barely block, but then he grabbed my shoulders unexpectedly and whirled me around to face Ty. Something cold touched my neck. It was an iron dagger. It must've been strapped to his body somewhere. Didn't Mitch and Jerome and Ian do a body check before they caught him?

Ty's eyes widened. She held her hands up in a stop motion. "Careful." She put her hand to her chin and tapped something on the floor. It wasn't loud, but I could feel the vibrations and knew what she was saying.

His green eyes are flecked with purple. I think this is Deadlox, starting to become Enderlox.

But you said we had 48 hours! I thrashed around a bit and took the opportunity to tap against the floor.

I'm not sure, this may be his natural eye color.

I felt the metal press closer to my throat and felt a trickle of something warm. Did he just draw blood? Ty backed up.

"Go to the other side of the room," Deadlox ordered, his voice surprisingly soft and calm and very very scary. He pushed me and I had to walk forward. The good thing was that there was now a very very small gap between the blade and my throat, the bad thing was that Deadlox had crouched and scooped up our two sword hilts.

"You will follow us," Deadlox commanded Ty. "Or she will die and I will make sure she never returns." Wait, was he implying that he knew something about the grim reaper? The one that saved Ty's life when she had almost died? Did I have a grim reaper too?

I shut my eyes and tried to think. What did the reaper say to Ty when it breathed that pink stuff at her? It is not your time? So, Ty was also sucked in. She has a grim reaper. Let's assume that I have a grim reaper. They protect us?

Confusing. So confusing. And I am confused easily.

Deadlox motioned for Ty to come nearer. "Teleport us back to my cave, please," he smiled creepily. Ty swallowed.

"I don't do teleporting," she squeaked, looking at me.

Deadlox grunted and pressed the blade closer, but not close enough to draw blood. He still had one hand on my shoulder.

"FINE, FINE," Ty squealed and opened up a portal on the wall. Deadlox nodded for Ty to walk through first, and she did, and Deadlox hopped in soon after, tugging me with him.

HAVE A GOOD SCHOOL YEAR! CAN'T WAIT not. Should I add more characters? I already have two in mind... (.3.)

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