the cute domino's boy pt.1

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author's note: i am. sorry. also i am going for the cliche vibes, it's intentional.


  Walking into Domino's, I continue reciting my order in my head. Anything to avoid embarrassing myself in public and contributing to anxiety. Nervously, I step up to the counter and place my order, trying to ignore how incredibly attractive I find the worker. Glancing at his name tag, I take a mental note of his name, Andrew. 

  During the week, I couldn't seem to keep my mind off the cute Domino's boy. We hadn't exchanged more than the typical pleasantries, yet my mind still wandered.

Grocery shopping is a tedious task to some, but to y/n it was always an adventure. Of course the highlight of all grocery shopping fun is cart riding. nyoom  Why? The exhilaration of running for speed, feeling the wind in your hair, closing your eyes to elevate the experience, accidentally ramming into the cute domino's boy. ~Wait. 


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