Episode 6 - Arrival of a Rival! The Banana Transformation!

Start from the beginning

Yuuta: Really? Hmm, well maybe I'll just go out for a stroll around town. Still trying to get familiarized around here.

Sakura: Sounds good. Well, I'm going to go back to patrolling, so I'll see you later Yu!

Sakura then left, seen jumping from tree to tree.


Yuuta is seen walking around, and the villagers bowed at his passing by.

Villager: Ah, sir Yuuta, good morning!

Yuuta: Morning! *thoughts*Man, even though I've been here for a few weeks, everyone has been nice to me. Feels like I'm starting to fit in.

Meanwhile, it centers to the mochi stand, and Kanami is picking up the dishes. But she stopped when she heard someone coming in.

Kanami: Welcome-.

Yuuta: Yo.

Kanami: Yuuta! It's good to see you.

Yuuta: Yeah, me too. How're you doing, Kana?

Kanami: I am fine, thank you. Please, come in.

Yuuta then took his seat in one of the matts.

Kanami: What would you like?

Yuuta: Mmm, just green tea. I'm kind of relaxed today.

Kanami: Is that so? Is work for the Takeda Clan lightened today?

Yuuta: Better, got myself a day off.

Kanami: My, it seems Lord Shingen has been very generous to you.

Yuuta: Ha ha, I guess so.

Kanami then put a cup of green tea right in front of Yuuta.

Kanami: Here you go.

Yuuta: Ah, thanks Kana.

As Kanami looks at Yuuta drinking his tea, she started to speak up.

Kanami: Um... Yuuta.

Yuuta: Mm? What's up?

Kanami: Why are saying my name like that? I'm just curious.

Yuuta: Don't you like it? I thought saying your full name would be kind of a mouth-full, so I decided to call you "Kana". Besides, I think it's cute when I say it.

Kanami: Eh!? C-Cute, you say?

Yuuta: What's wrong, don't tell me you don't like it.

Kanami: *blush*N-No, that's not what I meant!

Kanami began to blush with showing her face glow red, but hid it with her round tray.

Yuuta then laughed when she saw her like that.

Kanami: Geez... Yuuta, you're making me embarrassed!

Yuuta: Sorry, sorry.

After seeing Kanami turn away while still blushing, Yuuta then realizes there's a picture of at the counter of a young boy.

After seeing Kanami turn away while still blushing, Yuuta then realizes there's a picture of at the counter of a young boy

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