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"No way!" I joyfully whispered under my breath.

Before my eyes was a massive wooden skate ramp.  I skipped closer to it with an open smile unintentionally kicking up gravel and dust behind me.  The excitement enhanced as I approached.  I glided my fingers on the smooth slope feeling the craftsmanship and durability.

"Badass.!" I exclaimed

"I know right.!"  Jake said As he kicked up his board.

I stood in slight awe just taking it in knowing this is the highest ramp I've ever seen, and better than any skate park I've Been to.  A few seconds passed in my daze staring at it before I was jostled back to reality with a nudge.

"Don't just stand there, give it a go!"

I looked over to see Jake giving a warm smile.
A light heat rested on my cheeks in that second as our eyes met.  A smile crept up faster than I thought while gazing at him.

"[y/n]! Let's see your skills, the ladders over here!" Tricky shouted beckoning me.

"Oh sick! Be right there!" I said beginning to walk over to her.

Bar by bar I climbed up the textured, rusted ladder making my way to the top carefully while gripping my skateboard.  My shoes tapped onto the panels of wood, looking below me was a steep fall to the hard ground. 

My [h/l] [h/c] hair lifted as a small gust of wind blew by, swaying the structure. I closed my eyes taking a deep breath then blowing it out with confidence.  I propped my board onto the ledge weighing it down with my foot.

Standing so high up was I bit nerve racking.  I brought one of my hands up from my side noticing how it shook softly.  Even my breath was a little shaky.

My eyes drifted to Jake almost to comfort myself.  Our eyes linked in the moment before he raised his hand signaling a thumbs up. That was all I needed, I flashed a smile to him. looking straight ahead and positioning myself. I took one final breath to fully focus.

Me body weight then shifted down to the front of the board dropping in onto the slope. My speed instantly increased as I flew down the ramp. I kept my board steady as it lead me up the other side, before I knew it I was shot into he air. I held onto my board keeping my feet on then returning to the ramp. My ears were pleased to hear cheers and applause in the background. With that I kept going back to the other side. 

After playing around a bit I slowed my board then kicked it up into hand.

"Great moves! I knew you could do it!" Jake called out to me

I chuckled in response while walking over.

"Definitely better than I am." An unfamiliar feminine voice rang

Looking in the direction it appeared from I saw a girl in an alien costume. She hopped out from one of the train cars crunching the gravel beneath her as she walked over.

'Who's this?' I wondered

"Oh! [y/n] this is Yutani, Yutani this is [y/n]" Jake stated from behind

We greeted one another with smiles

"So how did you meet this girl?" Yutani asked

"Funny's story actually, just the other night I totally saved her as-"

"I wouldn't call it too much of a save, I totally could have got away." I corrected him

"Hey you said it yourself that night "you totally saved my butt"."

Wait maybe I did say that, and he remembered?

"Yea I saw her running away from that annoying cop down at the train yard so I thought I'd help her escape." Jake said

Yutani then faced me with a casual smile and looked me up and down

I began to zone out any conversation Jake was continuing, but I glanced to see Yutani intently staring as Jake spoke.  Fascination gleamed in her eyes while she payed close attention to him.  Come to notice, her cheeks hued a slight rosey color.

This girl surely has a crush on him and it's hilariously obvious, does Jake seriously not even notice?

A few hours pass as we all sat and talked, doing a couple tricks on our boards here and there.

I watched as Jake stood from sitting along side of me and slowly jogged over to the side of the ramp. He bent over reaching under it beginning to pull something hidden out. His hands became visible again and were seen gripping a black strap to a bag. As it slung over his shoulder I could hear familiar rattles. I know that sound from anywhere, he tilted his head slightly towards me with a mischievous smile that just screams "follow me".

The group Around me all seemed occupied talking to each other so I got up and began to keep up with Jake. I stared as he sat the sable bag down in front of a run down subway car. Getting closer he turned to me holding something in this palm before tossing it to me. Quickly reacting, I caught it hearing a clatter as it rested into my hands. Just what I thought it was, a spray can.

I looked up at Jake with a delinquent smirk on my face. Meeting eyes he smiled before shaking a bottle and facing away. I mosey up beside him glancing to see him give me another side view smile. I chuckle while beginning to shake my can.

Thanks for reading guys
Kinda a shorter chapter but I'll try to keep this story updated. And thanks for the support :). Anywayz hope you like it👍

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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Jake x reader// subway surfersWhere stories live. Discover now