First day of school

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It's the first day of junior year, at a new high school.  When I got there I walk up to some random people to ask where was the principal's office, but before I got there they say," Hey I'm Emily, this is Elijah, Rebecca, and that is Damon he's a bit mean." They smiled, I smiled back and I said," Hey sorry to bother you but where is the principal at? I need to see if I can sign up for cheerleading."They all looked at me like I was crazy. " what?" I said with a confused look on my face. "Cheerleading is for pretty girls," Elijah said. I looked at him and then rolled my eyes, "I thought Damon was the mean one." Damon laughed," we all are mean but if you want to go to the principle is down the hall and to your left." I thanked him then went to the principle's office and asked about cheerleading and he said, "You want to be a cheerleader? "He laughed," Here's the form get ur guardian to sign it then you will have to try out for the team. "I said ok and then walked off and went to my first class history, I saw Elijah. "Great" I sighed. I took my seat and patiently waited until the class started. "Hey I never got ur name," a familiar voice called out. I looked to my side and saw Elijah, I rolled my eyes and said," Hayley." The teacher came in a few minutes later. "Ow," I whispered to look down at my desk to see a note, I opened it and it read, "I'm sorry xoxo Elijah." I looked at him and smiled. It's now 5th-period lunchtime. "Hayley wanna sit with me?" Elijah asked. I walked over there and sat down, it's just me and Elijah. By the end of lunch, Elijah and I got to know each other more and more. Finally, schools over I thought to myself. I was walking out of the school when Elijah walked up to me, and asked if he could have my number, I gave it to him and walked home. When I got home I dreaded walking through the door because my parents hate me because I'm so-called different.

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