chapter 1

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I rolled over to the other side of the bed, yawning, and grabbed my phone off the nightstand. I cracked an eye open and groaned as I saw the time. I leaped out of bed and ran to the shower, cursing - I had overslept and my shift at work started in half an hour. I work part-time at Starbucks alongside studying at Manchester University, but luckily it was only round the corner so I could still make it in time if I got ready quick enough.

It only took me 10 minutes to get washed and dressed, and I still had enough time to do my make up. I applied minimal make up - just a light layer of concealer, lip balm and mascara (to bring out the colour of my hazel orbs), and tied my hair into a messy bun. I was now ready for the day!

I ran all the way to work, and burst through the door just in time. My favourite coworker, Rylee, screamed as I jumped behind the counter just as the clock struck 9am. Phew!

"Where have you been?" she said.

"I overslept haha," I said.

"Haha omg Eleanor what are you like!"

"I know!" I giggled. "I'm so quirky and unique."

A couple who were sat near the window left, and Rylee crawled over to clean their table. While she spent 3 hours cleaning that table, I served the customers. It got really busy at one point, and I ended up blending drinks and writing on the cups AT THE SAME TIME!!!!! :o

"Next please!" I called over my shoulder as I wrote on another pumpkin latte skinny frappucino.

"Can I have an iced latte, 10 shot, venti, 5 pump vanilla, 7 pump caramel, and poured, not shaken please."

"Fine whats your name?"

"Harry Styles."

I dropped the mug I was holding and everyone stared at me. I should have known it was gonna be a celebrity, only celebrities and lactose intolerant people have those weird orders.

Harry Styles was part of the boyband One Direction who had just released their first single. My eyes widened as I realised I had peed a little in my excitement. Fortunately, I don't think it was enough for anyone to notice. It was only a little dribble.

I spun round and stared at Harry. I started to #fangirl but I managed to compose myself enough to look calm. Harry smirked, showing off his little dimples and I almost passed away.

"Coming right up," I squeaked. While I made the drink I made sure I was flipping my hair and fluttering my eyelashes to entice Harry, making sure I wiggled when I bent down to get extra attention.

I guess it kinda worked as when I gave him his drink, his fingers grazed mine and I felt my cheeks heating up. He smirked and walked over to sit at the table Rylee was cleaning. I felt jealously bubbling inside of me, and I went grrrrr bark bark.

My shift didn't finish for another 5 hours, but Harry didn't leave until I finished. As I untied my apron, my hands trembled with excitement at the thought of him waiting just for me!!!!!! I hope he was.

I skipped over to where he sat at the window and he smirked. "So, how about we get a drink?"

He held my hand as we went to the bar next door, and hoped he couldn't feel how sweaty my hands were. I was worried that if he loosened his grip it would just slide straight out, like slip n slide.

It was a very expensive !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bar, and I hoped that my Starbucks uniform didn't make anyone there feel uncomfortable. As we sat opposite each other, I gazed into his green orbs and they pierced into my soul. I was petrified of the expensive bar, as being student!Eleanor I was really poor, however I didn't have to be so concerned as Harry's fame would pay for everything. I had so many butterflies in my tummy it was like I had a whole aquarium in there, and I felt like I was going to faint every time Harry looked at me. All I wanted to do was scream and jump around saying OMG IM ON A DATE WITH THE HARRY STYLES OMG!!!!! but I didn't.

"So, what's your name?" asked Harry, and I blushed. You naughty naughty you teasing me.

"My name is Eleanor."

"Wow, pretty name. Do you like One Direction?"

"No I'm a belieber."

Harry smirked. "Well, I'm sure I can change that. How about you come to a party with me and the boys tomorrow night?"

I swallowed a lump in my throat. "Will Justin be there?"


"Yeah." I squeezed my eyes shut tight as I made the tough decision. "Okay Harry, I have made my decision. I will be your date to your party."

"I didn't mean as a date, but maybe if you're lucky. I'll pick you up at 8 tomorrow."

I called my best friend Kiera, and we screamed in joy. After I screamed for 2 minutes, I quickly asked Harry if I could bring her, and he said yes. Wow this seems surreal.

What I didn't realise was that Harry had something planned for me, and chose me for a reason.

Coucou (Two Hearts in One Home) - a Heleanor FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now